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Everything posted by satanaepuer

  1. satanaepuer

    Dayz xbox food

    Whys it such an issue now? The spawns are noticeably lower on zombies, cars and buildings, and I'm in the yellow every 5 mins after only sprinting here and there.. never use to be like this.
  2. satanaepuer

    Hit detection is a joke

    So am I only the only one looting up for hours cause I'm not server hopping scum (which btw people still do during combat, but I'll be the one getting database locked when the server boots me), going to towns the getting literally 1 shot in the legs and arms? Like how bad does a game have to be to confuse your head damage multiplier, with your god damn elbow or kneecap? Funniest part? My friend kills the guy, loots my body (he heard only 1 shot too btw so not a client side glitch where he actually full auto'd me) and every single piece of gear is ruined on me, besides the helmet... Shirt, vest, pants, backpack all ruined, 1 bullet to the elbow cause we were both using 3rd looking at eachother both walk and shoot same time, he wins with an elbow shot. Greatest programming ive ever seen in my life, good job.
  3. satanaepuer

    Hit detection is a joke

    Yea ive had literally the opposite experience lol, ive melee'd a guy as a complete fresh spawn 8+ times while he unloads 2 to 3 mags of an m4 at me, each mag hitting me a few times, but i just bled.. 4 to 5 times, some with assault vests, some even with balistic vests, i get instant death screens, twice of which being through walls. I picked buildings where theres no angle into my windows from other buildings, doors closed to my room, no sound then get a "you are dead" screen. Game needs some serious work on its most basic mechanics.
  4. satanaepuer

    Hit detection is a joke

    Yea for now the hit detection is all bad, 1 hits are rampant with almost any gun, especially mosins, which are high caliber but my friend too a shoulder hit and insta died
  5. satanaepuer

    Hit detection is a joke

    0.63 on xbox, he had a silenced m4, 1 bullet to my elbow my friend confirmed by sound