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Everything posted by freak69

  1. freak69

    Battleye System message

    what message would that be?
  2. freak69

    How to display player count on your server

    never used python for anything ^_^ I don't even understand why people need this as battleye remote control tools like DaRT do this already
  3. freak69

    How to display player count on your server

    ''' File name: __init__.py Author: /u/robbychampagne, ThePyrotechnic Date created: 9/29/2018 Date last modified: 9/29/2018 ''' from twisted.internet import task class RobbysPlayerPlugin: ''' Player plugin for DayZ servers''' def __init__(self, instance): self.bec = instance # Create a Task that calls the function Send_PlayerCount each 15 min. self.PlayerCount_Task = task.LoopingCall(self.Send_PlayerCount) self.PlayerCount_Task.start(900, False) def get_players(self): return self.bec.Bec_playersconnected def Send_PlayerCount(self): '''Send a message to all players in game.''' players = self.get_players() if len(players) > 0: rcon_msg = 'Say -1 There are %i players online' % len(players) else: rcon_msg = 'Say -1 There no player online' self.bec._Bec_queuelist.append(rcon_msg) def start(x): RobbysPlayerPlugin(x) Would this not make more sense as in if there is players show the player count and if there is no player say that there is no player or 0 players online? maybe even def Send_PlayerCount(self): '''Send a message to all players in game.''' players = self.get_players() rcon_msg = 'Say -1 There are %i players online' % len(players) self.bec._Bec_queuelist.append(rcon_msg)