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Ryan JG

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Everything posted by Ryan JG

  1. Ryan JG

    Server Stash

    In the full version of the game, is there only one shovel? Would love to see a small military shovel the size of a hatchet.
  2. Ryan JG


    Can you repair Dry Bags and Backpacks?
  3. Ryan JG


    Can silences on guns stop working as well?
  4. Ryan JG


    Oh the PA sytem works. I did it last night with the Purge Announcement.
  5. Ryan JG


    Have you done it? Has it happened to you? How can we stop it?
  6. Ryan JG


    I asked because my squad got ghosted in a building and it really took away from the experience. I hope Xbox players can purchase servers at some point.
  7. Ryan JG

    Thanks for the care package !!

    I just don't see how that is fun. I'm fine being backstabbed if it was all ingame chat. But when you set up a party request for help and then kill the help... well thats just poor gaming and bad for the community. I want to be a hero player so bad but it's just so hard.
  8. Ryan JG

    Broken Bones & Detaining

    I really agree! Bandits would love this opportunity and may give some people a chance to keep some of their gear and not KoS.
  9. Ryan JG

    Thanks for the care package !!

    Very Lucky! I got invited to a party to help a team out and they simply shot my fully geared Character! Swings and Round abouts I guess.
  10. Ryan JG

    Server Stash

    Ok quick question. Are we sure if you get killed your stash doesn't go with you? I got kill and all my stash is gone! Either that or there was a server wipe over night? Goodbye SVD! :(
  11. Ryan JG

    PvP Locations

    Hi All, Just wanted to find the best PvP locations so that I'm not just running around looting all the time.
  12. Ryan JG


    Can you get sick yet? I seem to be needing to drink a lot more than usual.
  13. Ryan JG

    PvP Locations

    I'm currently in a high pop and Elektro seems to be always popping.
  14. Ryan JG

    Server Stash

    Thanks heaps! I've now buried 4 bags with supplies. Next death won't be too depressing.
  15. Ryan JG

    Server Stash

    So if a player dies the stash goes with?
  16. Ryan JG


    I have a scope SVD and Mag. It is bliss to fire at range and quick to down enemies.