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Ryan JG

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Everything posted by Ryan JG

  1. Ryan JG

    Xbox Update 14/01/2019

    What actually are these?
  2. Ryan JG

    Shotttie and mosin

    They are and it feels amazing!
  3. Ryan JG

    Duplicate things

    Dup'ing is the worst part of the game! I have a full base with ghillies and everything is earned! What's the point of playing if you can't survive without cheating.
  4. Ryan JG

    Xbox Update 14/01/2019

    Its awesome to see and update without a character or base wipe. This base has been hear for a long time and it feels great! Well done Devs!
  5. Ryan JG

    I lost my R Card

    That's right boys. My Raid Cherry is popped and it feels amazing. I was heading up to Bere when my travel partner noticed some trees cut down near Gorka and that could only mean one thing... a base was surely nearby! Lo and behold we spotted a wall going up around a lonesome house in the woods with a car spawn nearby and a tent pitched by the house. We spotted and a builder and suggested we unleash hell. We open fire and dispatched of the builder; so let the looting begin. We took the gear we needed and took the tent. I've now had a taste of Banditry and I'm afraid it may just consume me.
  6. Ryan JG

    Won't Die?

    So a friend and I tested a few things and if you stand at the end of a car tent or in the corner of a room the bullets register hitting the environment around you and not your body. Anyone else experienced this?
  7. Ryan JG

    Car Protection

    So I've recently acquired a vehicle and driven it to my hidden base. I wanted to get some ideas on how people protect their car from theft. I've stripped the car and hidden the content and I'm hoping the car is well hidden as well. I just wanted to see what people are doing to keep their baby safe.
  8. Ryan JG

    I lost my R Card

    Silly player rebuilt in the same location. Scored myself another tent.
  9. Ryan JG

    Sickness without coughing?

    Dont think sickness is in the game at the moment. If you are losing food and water quick it maybe due to the amount you are carry or the amount of physical activity your character is doing.
  10. Ryan JG

    Xbox Update 18/12/2018

    When are we expecting the new updates?
  11. Ryan JG

    I lost my R Card

    That has been my experience. If I have gear on me that I want to keep then I am hesitant to start a conversation. In fact the partner during this combat was a fellow traveler met on the road to Cherno. I just know fingers are itchy around loot and geared players.
  12. Ryan JG

    I lost my R Card

    I have been playing the good guy for far too long on this game to not KoS. Too many times I've gone into a "don't shoot, I'm friendly" conversation and shot in the head moments later. I've lost count at being the most geared player and held the best attacking position to have someone spawn behind to not pull the trigger first. Everything you have said is the way I have wanted to play for months but it just doesn't go down like that. The friendly people die first on this game and until ghosting is out of the game, I wont be stopping conversation around someones base. Let me give you an example: Just last week I stumbled on a bambi, stopped to help him out. He said "please don't kill me I've been trying for this spawn for ages". I offered him protection to the next location only for him to get his friend to attack me from another location. I don't trust anyone and that is how this game has taught me to play.
  13. Ryan JG

    Is It Possible?

    I already know the answer to this question but I need to ask as I just can't explain it. Last night I was near Cherno and I could hear players talking, their voices were super soft, then all of a sudden gone. I walked around checking every building and I couldn't find them. Ten minutes went by and I heard the soft voices again, in the same location as well but I couldn't find them. Is it possible to have residual voices or glitches between servers because these voices where almost ghost like. I just couldn't find them.
  14. Ryan JG

    Are there any cars to fix ??

    Yep my car did the same. It is an issue we need to let the devs know about. Some cars spawn in and are slightly sunken into the map, so when you hop in it thinks you crashed!
  15. Ryan JG


    Not in the game at this point.
  16. I would really love to see the game introduce server locking characters. As a player that enjoys the true essence of this game, survival, I hate it when I see server hoppers and ghosting in the game. If it means I have to wait in a line to get in, then so be it. I can handle bugs in the game, that doesn't frustrate me but people meta gaming takes the fun out of the game. This isn't some Rick and Morty parallel words shit. This is DayZ. You should never be punished for having the best position in a gun fight only to have Neo from the Matrix spawn on you out of nowhere. BI please look into this... or let Xbox players buy servers.
  17. Ryan JG

    Server Shut Out

    So I've been building a base and after the server reset I can't get back in... should I expect a server wipe because it's taking so long to reset and allow players in? Will my base and stash be gone?
  18. Now I see a lot of people (myself included at times) hating on Bohemia Interactive and their Devs for a game that is broken. We've all seen the posts. But last night a had a moment in game that just shows how good the game is and how amazing it will be once completed. I'm a solo survivalist, as not many Australian's I know play. So since the latest update I decided to build a little camp, not worry too much about PvP and just try and survive the Apocalypse. Collect food and ammunition and slowly build walls to the camp. I decided to take a journey down to Balota Airbase and then wrap to Pavlovo on my way up to Zelenogrosk. I estimated it would be a rough three hour journey. Once getting to the end of my scavenging I found four objects I needed for the base. Key items (like nails) that took me ages to find (I don't like to server hop). Once geared up it was time to take the long trek back to camp... suddenly a pack of wolves descended on me, I take two down and then another jumps at me from behind, ripping at my every limb. I open fire on taking the beast out. I run into the scrub and to safety. But it wasn’t over. I started noticing that my screen colour was changing and I was in fact bleeding out. "That's ok I'll bandage up and be on my way" I thought to myself. But stupidly at Zelenogrosk I dropped my bandages for nail! I was stranded in the woods with no bandages and bleeding. It was over, I was accepting my fair. I then though since my pants were ruined ,I will rip them up for bandages! NOPE! Rockie error... because they were ruined I couldn’t use them for my first aid and to pour salt into my bleeding out wound, because I took them off they had fallen apart with all my goods left on the floor. Desperate to not die, I stumbled, pants-less, and nail-less to the nearest town and luckily the first house had a shirt I could rip up and patch my wound. I was alive and ready to get back to camp! On my way back to all my goods left in the woods I found Capri Pant. I never thought I would put these on but desperate times need desperate measures. After that ,I ran back to the woods to get the supplies and now heading back to camp... with PTSD. No other game has made me that panicked for survival and it is this reason why I love DayZ.
  19. Ryan JG

    Locked Doors

    Just wanted to check, do locked doors unlock after no one is around and do they reset after server shuts down? My base is always unlocked after I lock it but nothing is ever taken.
  20. Ryan JG

    Character wipe?

    Did everyone get a character wipe with this update?
  21. Ryan JG

    Character wipe?

    Again with this new update... should I expect another wipe within a week?
  22. Ryan JG

    Xbox Update 18/12/2018

    Yeah! 4gb of tweaks... really? Would really love some more in depth update notes that "tweaked". As a player I appreciate the constant growth but keep us dedicated players in the loop please. I know it sounds aggressive but as a fan I just like to see the thought process of the Devs.
  23. Ryan JG

    Locked Doors

    Do landmines reset as well? I'm just wondering if there is any more base protection rather than it just being well hidden.
  24. Ryan JG

    True or False

    Does the crow of the Rooster indicate a nearby player. I met a fellow traveller who claimed this to be true but just wanted to clarify it.
  25. Ryan JG

    This is why I love the game!

    Yep! I love this. I watched a horde of Z's fight a pack of Wolves in Tisy. But for me I was chased by Z's and the Wolves came to my rescue. I sat on the roof of a military base and watch the fight take place. Loved it.