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About kbuds1976

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    On the Coast

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  1. kbuds1976

    guns dont work....WHY?!!!

    well if you ever happen to find your self in a gun fight with bandits it sure would be nice if your gun worked now wouldn't it.
  2. Guns don't work. The m4, AK,USG all have a habit of just deciding not to except a magazine after reloading a few times (unacceptable) and also after shooting about 1 or 2 magazine its like your shooting bullets made of air also UNACCEPTABLE!!! Nothing like scavenging for 5 hours and then facing an enemy and unloading a full clip at point blank range and NOTHING happeneds, then they pull out their pistol and their bullets work. Youd think that when you release a game even in game preview the guns would at least work, after all it is a primary thing in this game....FIX IT!!!!