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Everything posted by Curtos

  1. Curtos

    more server ports?

    @mrwolvYour BEpath ist wrong. Look yours: -BEpath= C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer\Battleye It must: "-BEpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer\Battleye" Because, there are "Spaces" in your Path and you have to use quotation marks!
  2. Curtos

    Increased Wolves etc

    You have to change the settings in events.xml. "min - max" for the amount of spawns, and under Children "min - max" means the amount of wolfes per spawn.
  3. The Zombies are moving to slow and can´t attack any playerchar while the player is jogging. There are some settings for infected but not the right one. I found the registerattacks, but not the settings for ammotype "MeleeZombieMale" so that I can override it to more damagedistance. Or the settings for the movementspeed of AI. Please help me to get a dangerous Zombie for my PvE-Server.
  4. Curtos

    Increased Wolves etc

    Hi, smin and smax in the territoryfiles means "staticmin" and "staticmax". If you set smin=3 and smax=6 there are always 3-6 Wolves on the spawn. If you define dmin and dmax that means "dynamicmin" and "dynamicmax". The spawn will be activated with the amount of wolves are set, when a playerchar is near. If you set smin=3 smax=6 dmin=5 and dmax=10, there will be 8-16 Wolves on spawn, when player activate it. The activation distance for AI is 1000m to Player. This override the events.xml settings for this AIspawnpoint. If you leave all at 0 the wolves spawn in amount of setting in event.xml.