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Scott Dixon

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About Scott Dixon

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    On the Coast

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  1. Scott Dixon

    Server hopping

    You and I both know private hives and community servers are WAY more populated than official... pull yourself together man.
  2. Scott Dixon

    Server hopping

    Yeah, it has. I’ve been playing since the mod, but it wasn’t as bad for me then as I started on a private hive. I’ve never felt the need, in all the years I’ve played DayZ, to come to the forums and complain about something until now. Im wondering why they can’t make gear server specific, even in the public servers?
  3. Scott Dixon

    Game was fun for a while

    No you don’t always play on one server, but usually going to another server will start your character fresh, on the coast. Gearing up is a HUGE part of the game. If you want instant gratification, play pubg.
  4. Scott Dixon

    Server hopping

    Please devs, can you do something about this soon? It’s a huge problem on Xbox. They are saying it’s a playstyle lol. Link to reddit post.