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About Ton_41

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Ton_41

    Pbo protect

    If I make my mod what the tool or program can protect to don't extract my PBO file?
  2. Ton_41

    Base random destroy

    I mean it my server. Nobody destroy base because I can check log. As if it had disappeared by itself when the structure in server is too much.
  3. Ton_41

    Base random destroy

    Some parts of base are missing randomly. How to remain all part of base ?
  4. How to lock server befor server restart in 5 mins and kick all player before server restart 2 mins with BE? What the command to use in job?
  5. Ton_41

    Disable Zombies some position

    How to clear all zombies in some position . I want to clear some town to camp and no zombies
  6. Ton_41

    Combination Lock False

  7. Ton_41

    Database DayZ

    Can I open or read dynamic_*** file and other file in dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data for delete some object in server?
  8. Ton_41


    remove .
  9. Ton_41

    Combination Lock False

    When server restart the code of combination lock is change. Please help
  10. Ton_41

    match mods only for join server

    Thank you it work.
  11. Ton_41

    match mods only for join server

    No it only one mod in server and cilent And that mod is my mod building . Noway to other version!!!
  12. Ton_41

    match mods only for join server

    that show bad version
  13. Ton_41

    match mods only for join server

    How to make server for player must choose mods to match mod in server only to be able to enter server?
  14. Ton_41

    Disable Jumping

    How to disable jumping in server ? Because some player use jumping across the wall of base.
  15. Ton_41

    People asking about server backup

    kill-dayz.bat >>>>> @echo off TITLE DayZ Kill Server Script taskkill /im DayZServer_x64.exe =========== use in job 30 ======== backup.bat >>>>. @echo off for /f "delims=" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime ^| find "."') do set dt=%%a set YYYY=%dt:~0,4% set MM=%dt:~4,2% set DD=%dt:~6,2% set HH=%dt:~8,2% set Min=%dt:~10,2% set Sec=%dt:~12,2% set stamp=dayz_Server_Backup_%YYYY%%MM%%DD%@%HH%%Min% cd C:\backup mkdir %stamp% cd %stamp% xcopy c:\dayz\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\*.* /s ===== Use in job 31 ======== all right?