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Posts posted by goduk

  1. Hi all,

    Since the last update i'v not seen any thread in the announcements forum that any more updates are being worked on.

    Has all support for this Alpha stopped now while the standalone is being worked on because at the moment the experience seems worse than ever and is unplayable.

    So many friends have stopped DayZ altogether and I think that we will have to close our server down soon as a result of this.


  2. My e-mail to Battle Eye:

    "To whom it may concern,

    Please can you improve the cheat detection of BattleEye.

    Over 1million people are now ‘playing’ DayZ Alpha mod for ArmA2 but there are SO many hackers/scripters on now that people are actually stopping their servers altogether and are refusing to ‘play’ it any more.

    It’s really putting people off and having a dramatic effect on the project.

    Thanks you."

    Battle Eye reply:


    I know about this problem very well and many things are being done to fight it. I understand your frustration and I'm working hard with the game developers to improve the situation, because a great part of it is caused by the game's too open multiplayer engine. Please have some more patience, solutions should be provided very soon.


    Bastian Suter"

  3. ...FUCKING HACKERS!!!! Aggggghhhhhhhh

    I'v only died ONCE from a PvP, all other deaths have coome from bugs/glitches or Hackers and this morning was no exception.

    Fed up of paying for servers (I know it's Alpha) and then getting some little prick with a code to come on and fucking piss everyone off like they do!!!

    He had an MK48 MOD at night, with no night vision, teleported behind our location and shot us both before we even had time to turn around!!

    PLEASE change the kill message to say who killed you so that we can kick and ban them and also report them to you for blacklisting etc.

    • Like 1

  4. I agree with the first post, Hacking is the biggest problem. Out clan is paying a lot of money for a server that is getting hacked and abused for days on end.

    Can a feature be added where instead of just saying "(players name) was killed" can you include the line to include by who so admin can kick & ban said person.

    Our entire clan was sniped, pipe bombed and shot with an MP5 with in seconds yesterday, none of us saw the killer, one clan member said a pipe bomb just appeared next to him.

    God mode is also being used (witnessed by myself for the first time yesterday).

    Thanks Rocket & Team.

  5. Since I have found this out from fellow clan members I have not been back on since due to my location (would be dead in seconds) and refuse to. Why should I spend my time prone, crawling round like a prick through different types of grass only to be killed/aggro'd or what ever and then do it all over again.

    Servers run different difficulty levels, Beginners, Regular, Veteran and Expert. Why don't you give the "Experts" this level of difficulty if that's what they want and revert it back to the old ways for the other servers etc?

    Please change it back.

