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About maxim.kapinus@gmail.com

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  1. maxim.kapinus@gmail.com

    Remove the pseudo-dynamic weather script

    Weather must be clear most of the time. Fog sometimes, rainy sometimes. But not everytime.
  2. maxim.kapinus@gmail.com

    Karma affecting starting gear

    Haters gonna hate. Leave bandits, karma and PVP alone, noobs.
  3. maxim.kapinus@gmail.com

    New Zombie [ghost]

    This is not fantastic Chernobyl from Stalker. This mod is based on a story about a virus infecting the territory, which made zombies from people. It's like in "28 days later" movie. Please, do not drag in here garbage like fantastic invisible zombies, anomalies and other stuff.
  4. maxim.kapinus@gmail.com

    List of Weapons

    One addition parameter needed - noise.
  5. maxim.kapinus@gmail.com

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    I prefer system like in City Life. Slots with personal model for each.
  6. maxim.kapinus@gmail.com

    Food and water being used offline

  7. maxim.kapinus@gmail.com

    Bandit tracking mechanic to help discourage random killing

    There is no "player killing" such in other game. There is a one of type of gameplay, when someone killing other survivor. That can be for weapon, food or equipment and don't need to classify that type of action as some kind of evil. Just look around and be careful.
  8. maxim.kapinus@gmail.com

    3rd person view and other aid’s? discussion .

    In my opinion, that things broke all gameplay. Any ambush or escaping is useless because a simple review of the horizon in search of a illuminating nickname and distance to player. It breaks the whole concept of Arma.
  9. maxim.kapinus@gmail.com

    Player tags, 3rd person viewport and crosshair

    Thanks, please close this topic or delete them, I will copy my message to a related thread.
  10. In my opinion, that things broke all gameplay. Any ambush is useless because a simple review of the horizon in search of a illuminating nickname and distance to player. It breaks the whole concept of Arma.
  11. maxim.kapinus@gmail.com

    Beds / Tents

    Tent must be a place to spawn, of course. If the group has a camp in the far north, then run from coast every time after death takes too much time. This leads to the fact that most players are hanging out in the Cherno and Electro. I understand that realism - the basic idea of ​​this mod, but must also be a balance of playability and realism. Confrontation between the factions, capture and control territory with a tasty loot, destruction of the enemy base by destroying tents - all I would like to see in the future
  12. maxim.kapinus@gmail.com

    stuck on loading

    With 1.4.10 there is a infinite loop when connecting. 1.4.11 - Problems are when you trying to connect second time and later. First time all ok, but after death or reconnect...
  13. maxim.kapinus@gmail.com

    DayZ Update 1.4.5

    If you are not an idiot, you must understand, that connection problems have a much more priority to solve than new functionality like notoriety and bandit skin. Just turn your brain on.
  14. maxim.kapinus@gmail.com

    DayZ Update 1.4.5

    And why extend functionality, if connection to the server is not working as it should? I have forty minutes trying to join on one of the servers and NOTHING.