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Everything posted by Gabrielsen

  1. Gabrielsen

    Land mines go BOOM

    Any particular servers you find serverhopers on? I tried to look for them but no luck..
  2. I picked up a shotgun yesterday and it caused several gamecrashes
  3. Gabrielsen

    Base building in existing structure

    Hi. Well you're not gonna stop the lootgoblins for sure. My group came across a base built inside the warehouse at one of the citydocs. They had blocked one of the big doors with a huge military tent, and locked the other door with lockpick. Pretty clever. But one serverjump and we had breached the base. Pretty sad. I hope they add some spawn block system or similar. Because the is no incentive for me to spend much time on bases.
  4. Gabrielsen

    Vehicle spawn

    Im planning to get a hold of a vehicle, a truck preferable. Does anyone know how many vehicle's spawns per server? Are them super rare? Do they spawned damaged?
  5. Gabrielsen

    Barrel question.

    Are there different barrels for specific items or can i stor anything in them? And how do i store things inside them? Inventory management (moving things around) seems not to work for me after last update. Do you guys have the same problems?
  6. Gabrielsen

    Barrel question.

    I figured it out, thanks