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Manuel Ciccotelli

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Everything posted by Manuel Ciccotelli

  1. Manuel Ciccotelli

    Sewing Kit Question

    Look here!
  2. Manuel Ciccotelli

    Repair Bug?

    Same problem here, with sewing kit and leather repair kit!
  3. Manuel Ciccotelli

    Dayz next update with Mouse and keyboard support?

    I'm sorry but I don't think so (I hope I'm wrong!) I quote Major Nelson's post here: "Fortnite’s support for keyboard and mouse launches alongside previously announced Warframe via today’s update, with Bomber Crew, Deep Rock Galactic, Strange Brigade, Vermintide 2, War Thunder and X-Morph Defense adding support in November, and Children of Morta, DayZ, Minion Master, Moonlighter, Vigor, Warface, and Wargroove adding support in the future." Fortnite and Warframe are ready, then a bunch of titles will be updated in November and the last couple of games will be ready in the future (dayz is in the last group: future support) Hope it helps!
  4. Manuel Ciccotelli


    I saw a couple of them, they were in cars, fire stations and military bases, but I think you can find them almost everywhere
  5. Manuel Ciccotelli

    Noob Alert!!

    Sometimes it happens to me too, i have to close the game through 'xbox button', highlight 'dayz' then menu button and finally 'exit game' or 'close game', I can't remember
  6. Manuel Ciccotelli

    Oldskool pc player

    Yes, they lay in the middle of the path. Don't know about beaches, I prefer to stay away ;)
  7. Manuel Ciccotelli

    Oldskool pc player

    I usually find Stones on hiking path