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About Sy8282

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  1. Sy8282

    Wiping all current vehicles.

    vehicles.bin and rar are inside the data folder of storage_1 in your mission folder delete them and restart bingobango fresh cars
  2. thats why you need cftools omegamanager as it forces the same mods wether from the dzsalauncher or in game launcher
  3. use cftools omegamanager it sets it up automatically
  4. Sy8282

    Mod equal checking server-client and enabling

    servermod ignore mod are not valid parameters at this time so as i said make the killfeed client sided as well and it will work
  5. Sy8282

    Mod equal checking server-client and enabling

    equal mod required needs server and client to match everything, server mod ignore mod etc will not work with equal mod, just mentioned the scripts and dta folders as had many people having problems with equal mod because they opened a pbo pre modding etc
  6. Sy8282

    Mod equal checking server-client and enabling

    kill feed is causing the problem make it client sided and should be fine, equalmodrequires needs totally vanilla dta scripts and addons folders if you have opened one before you need to replace them with clean files
  7. Sy8282

    Account lockout HELP

    global bans dont get issued lightly either you or someone that knew your login details was a dirty flithy hacker
  8. Sy8282

    Anyway to Connect the log IDs to a player's steam

    or get cftools it does it automatically
  9. Sy8282

    Fake Online Players Possible ?

    this was popular in arma 2 and 3 you would find 10/20 spawned bots in a forest in a constant reload animation to bump up player count
  10. Sy8282

    Server Ram

    [WARNING] | Abnormal memory depletion detected; Server is shutting down, means your server is crashing nothing to do with the amount of ram there are 100001 reasons for a server to crash tho
  11. Sy8282

    match mods only for join server

    if you have problems with equalmodrequired it means either your addons or dta folder have been edited or even just unpacked as that breaks the bisign fo rthe folder copy fresh server files and it will work
  12. Sy8282

    Stable Update 1.0.150192

    not all of them buddy
  13. Sy8282

    Banning a hacker

    cftools bans them and shows any alternate accounts
  14. Sy8282

    OmegaSC + DZSALauncher

    did you update to the newest dzsalmodserver.exe it changed like 2/3 days ago i believe also add "-filepatching", to launchparams
  15. Sy8282

    Adding new buildings

    use the community offline mode then export the code and add it to init.c in the main fuction under the weather section