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Lucas Films

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Everything posted by Lucas Films

  1. Lucas Films

    My server won't show up server list

    2 days ago, I rented a server from Nitrado, but it does not show up in dayz launcher and in-game serve list. I asked Nitrado support team and did everything they told, changing server name, stop and restart ,or reinstall. They even changed server machine for me, but still my server not appear. But I can connect my serevr directly with IP and port number, or using DZSALauncher. Then today I rented another server from GTXGaming because I thought problem was with Nitrado. Done install, changed few config and started, but still problem is same, not showing up in server list, and able to connect with IP or DZSALauncher. I also reinstalled my DayZ, but nothing cahnged. Situation is - rented server (Nitrado & GTXGaming) does not show up dayz launcher and in-game server list - connectable directly with IP address (both server) - once I connected server, shows up in "RECENT" tab (both server) - shows up DZSALaucnher and connectable (both server) I've never heard such a trouble and am very confusing. Could anyone please help me?
  2. I placed some objects like house, tower, military tent with code in int.c GetGame().CreateObject("NAME", "532.854004 421.858826 11084.019531").SetOrientation("70.050789 -0.241511 0.006311"); And yes it surely once appeared, but after server restart they're all gone. How to keep this? thanks
  3. When player fail to join server because of invalid mod loaded or not whitelisted through in-game server browser, message box appears that says "Bad version error" "You are not whiltelisted on this server". It is ok cuz you can know why you are kicked from server and what problem is. But, if you try to join server directly(set IP and port) by using DayZLauncher, the game crashes and no message shown. Pic is below. I think it is a problem because a player who want to join server has no way to know why he is kicked and how to fix this himself. Yes of course if they know this problem and use in-game browser instead of DayZLauncher it's very helpful for everyone... but in real, no. Thank you https://imgur.com/a/6uqZ9I6
  4. Lucas Films

    verifySignatures = 2 not working

    I had the same issue even though verifysignature = 2 and equalmodrequired = 1. For me, what was imprtant is which mod the server load first. For example my batch file was "-mod=@Increased_Lumens;@Trader" but this one didn't worked (showed bad version), so I changed to "-mod=@Trader;@Increased_Lumens" this one worked so well. try to change your -mod= line order
  5. Lucas Films


    use Bec v1.608 and launch with steam.cmd it wroked for me. follow this topic
  6. Lucas Films

    equalModsRequired doesn't work

    I set equalModsRequired = 1 in my serverDZ.cfg, but it looks like this is not working because player who has not allowed mod can still join my server. I also have in my cfg verifySignatures = 2; forceSameBuild = 1; So how to prevent these players from joining? thank you
  7. Lucas Films

    equalModsRequired doesn't work

    Now It worked correctly. Thanks(`・ω・´)ゞ
  8. Lucas Films

    How to edit in-game map?

    Like ArmA3 Exile, I would like to make and edit in-game map[item] for my own server to describe where trader is, where danger zone is and so on. If anyone knows how to do it, please tell me. Thank you.
  9. Lucas Films

    How to edit in-game map?

    OK... I' ll try another way.
  10. *solved* Same issues here. Whitelist and bad words still won't work for me... *solved*
  11. Lucas Films

    Change zombie drop item

    I want to change what they have and they drop, but I can't locate which file it is... Thank you
  12. Lucas Films

    Change zombie drop item

    I'll try it right now. thank you!!!
  13. Lucas Films

    Can't restart my server

    I logged in my server and type "#login mypassword" in text chat window and successfully logged as admin. Then I typed "#restart" in the same way but nothing happened. Anyone know what's wrong with me? thank you
  14. Lucas Films

    Can't restart my server

    ok Thnak you
  15. Lucas Films

    Spawned object will disappear after server restart

    I don't know why, but after some test and try, now I am able to keep objects remain on server. thank you all!
  16. Lucas Films

    Spawned object will disappear after server restart

    Ok then can I edit actual map with editor? I extracted Chernarus.wrp from .pbo and about to convert to Chernarus.pew but I couldn't.
  17. Lucas Films

    Spawned object will disappear after server restart

    thx for replying. But I have already changed it to 1... My one is <building init="1" load="1" respawn="1" save="1"/>
  18. Sedan, offroad, tent ,generator...etc These stuff is all gone after server restart. How do I keep this remain on field? thanks
  19. Lucas Films

    how to enable persistence on for car and base building?

    thank you guys I'll wait when they add building system officially.
  20. Lucas Films

    how to enable persistence on for car and base building?

    Yes, you're right but the data is already exist and you can use. Check this topic https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/9hamlp/the_dayz_server_owner_howto_and_faq/ All you need is item id. For example, military tent is "LargeTent", generator is "PowerGenerator".