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Kiefer Klieven

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About Kiefer Klieven

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Interests
    Gaming, Law enforcement, Youtube, And hanging out with friends through gaming or real-life hangouts.

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    Love Dayz and can't wait to see the next big step of dayz after 0.63 Hope 0.62 stays active though cuz not everyone likes 0.63 and I believe that if they don't keep it then many Dayz players will be lost.
  1. Kiefer Klieven

    Cannot start Dayz after being able to.

    Same error
  2. Kiefer Klieven

    Cannot start Dayz after being able to.

    tried changing it but I am not 100% familiar with all the startup things cuz what I mean by that is, I don't wanna do all this startup location, And all that kind of stuff but I am hoping reinstalling works.
  3. Kiefer Klieven

    Cannot start Dayz after being able to.

    Antivirus never worked but i will try changing the dayz install location and get back to you with what happens
  4. Kiefer Klieven

    Cannot start Dayz after being able to.

    Yep, I will try the antivirus because I know that im admin and I know that it doesn't show up in task manager cuz I was smart enough to check and I reinstalled dayz 2 times already. The antivirus is all thats left.
  5. Kiefer Klieven

    Cannot start Dayz after being able to.

    I will try even though I already did and tell you what happens.
  6. Kiefer Klieven

    Cannot start Dayz after being able to.

    It just says running bet doesn't start up.
  7. I cant start Dayz 0.62 or any of the experimental versions of dayz so basically, 3 hours waiting for each download to see which dayz I can play. none.