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Aussie Cleetus

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Everything posted by Aussie Cleetus

  1. ServerMonitor ServerMonitor is a PowerShell driven DayZ Standalone Server monitor with multiple configurable options such as auto-updating of mods (including copying keys), auto-updating of server files, auto archiving of logs to keep a clean profile folder with full support for -mod and -servermod parameters. This is an alternative to the popular CFTools with one major difference, all your data is kept on your server and there is no reliance upon a web service to use this tool (as long as your server is connected to the internet, this tool will work). Requirements: Steamcmd Steam account with DayZ owned (for downloading mods from the workshop) Dedicated Server (will not work with Game Service Providers - sorry) Installation: Install steamcmd Login with steamcmd - steamcmd login (This may require steamguard code. If your account is not dedicated for the server, this may need to be done on each restart depending on your account security settings) Close steamcmd by typing `quit` and pressing `enter` Copy `ServerMonitor.exe`, `ServerMonitor.cfg`, `servermodslist.txt` and `playersmodslist.txt` to the DayZServer directory (create your desired server path directory if you have not installed the server yet) Adjust settings in ServerMonitor.cfg Adjust mod list files playersmodslist.txt and servermodlist.txt (for clarification: playersmodslist.txt are mods loaded on both client and server, whereas servermodslist.txt is mods that are to be loaded on only the server, at no point should the same mod appear in both files) Run ServerMonitor.exe Optional Installation for automated restarts: Download BEC (link below) and unpack the zip file into your DayZServer's battleye folder Configure BEC's configuration files as desired and setup Schedule.xml Download BECMonitor (link below) and unpack the zip file into the same location as step 1 Adjust BECMonitor.cfg Run BECMonitor.exe Notes: If DayZServer is not installed in specified directory, it will be installed to specified directory Does not copy configuration files for mods to profile as mods should be auto-creating those if they don't exist Currently only supports Stable release To completely shutdown the server, be sure to turn the ServerMonitor off before shutting down DayZServer Do not forget to setup your server configuration files (serverDZ.cfg) Can be used for multiple instances of DayZServer, to achieve this you simply create a 2nd instance of this program in another directory with adjusted configuration Ensure you have SteamGuard installed on the account you use, as your account details will be stored in plain text on your server. Also note that unless the account is dedicated to the server, the Steam Guard Code may be required to be manually entered. These files must be in the server root folder (not in a folder) Works best when setting Server directory to the root of a drive (ie: C:\DayZServer or D:\DayZServer etc) License: CC BY-ND 4.0 Download Links: ServerMonitor.rar BEC.zip BECMonitor.rar
  2. Introducing DaRT 2.2 - Server Edition. Now with ADM Log Reader. SOURCE CODE: https://github.com/Wizbaggd/DaRT---Server-Edition DOWNLOAD: DaRT 2.2 - Server Edition What's New? New TAB in Settings Menu called "Announcers". Login/Logout feed announcement option. (This function can work for anyone, this does not require any special setup). Kill feed announcement option (using the new internal ADM file reader - NOTE: this requires running on the server or a LAN system with direct access to the file over the network). New Logo Removed banners (as they do not work when connecting inside LAN anyway) Removed link for DaRT 2.1
  3. Aussie Cleetus

    Stable Update 1.05

    Can you please elaborate on the memory allocation and script classes issue? How does this affect mods and in what way? Will this help with the issue with large amounts of additional custom actions or recipes? Also: my server is showing 1.05.152553, not 1.05.152551
  4. Aussie Cleetus

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Because it also falls on deaf ears. They started making progress on communication and then threw it all away.
  5. Aussie Cleetus

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Because they moved rVn away, the only person who was active on the feedback tracker.
  6. Aussie Cleetus

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Added: New vehicle Sarka 120 with attachments How about the bloody M3S. That was supposed to be in 1.0 ffs
  7. Aussie Cleetus

    ServerMonitor with updater (including mod updates)

    though I didn't see any need for it, the requested change was made. all that needed to happen was changing the exe filename in the servermonitor.cfg file to DZSALModServer.exe
  8. Aussie Cleetus

    Survivor GameZ - Alpha Keys now available!

    it's already dead, attempted to get into a game today and after the timer reset to 0 at 60 minutes waiting for a match, I gave up too.
  9. Aussie Cleetus

    Delete post

    So you post in the PC section of the Forum? No... please go back to the kiddie room.
  10. Aussie Cleetus

    How's The Survivor GameZ Going for you B I ?

    Considering there are Xbox menu files sitting in the survivor gamez code, I suggest you just sit on your thumbs for a little longer and be a good little patient kiddo with your toy machine. Or better still, go draw something with your crayons.
  11. Aussie Cleetus

    Server Side Mod? How?

    are you sure you haven't got a repacked scripts.pbo in the dta folder on the server?
  12. Aussie Cleetus

    Server Side Mod? How?

    that is correct. There is a different option for allowing client-side file patching, which nobody should really ever do outside of a test server environment.
  13. Aussie Cleetus

    Server Side Mod? How?

    Correct. Also correct. Basically anything that adds User Interfaces, Graphics, Models, Sounds or client-sided code requires using -mod parameter It was never a DayZ launch parameter, it literally only passes to the DZSA Server launcher, which is what transmits the mods out to the client launchers. EqualModRequired is no longer supported or needed, as verifySignatures=2 and 3 now incorporate this and force equal mods without needing to use the now completely outdated option. DO NOT DO THIS!!! If you want to edit scripts on the server side, unpack the pbo to the root of the server into a "scripts" folder and use -filepatching parameter on the server. This will pull the scripts from the folder instead. DO NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ON A LIVE SERVER run verifySignatures=0 or 1; This will allow players to play with any mods, public or private (there are many malicious mods that have not been released on the workshop, due to the rules of course - don't do this to yourself).
  14. Aussie Cleetus

    Status Report - July 2019

    Unless it is at a bare minimum on parity with 0.62's content, still deceptive sales. Promising one product in efforts to boost sales, then delivering a completely different one. This is why I quit modding. It's disgusting and illegal.
  15. Aussie Cleetus

    Server Side Mod? How?

    when a mod is added to -servermod it doesn't go into the -mod param at all, ergo does not get reported to DZSALauncher
  16. Aussie Cleetus

    Server Side Mod? How?

    But ignoredmod is defunkt with the new signatures as verifysignatures=2 and 3 are equivalent to equalmodrequired=1 in built.
  17. Aussie Cleetus

    Status Report - July 2019

    Rather they will be left out it seems.
  18. Aussie Cleetus

    Experimental Update 1.04.152148

    Still no fix for almost 50% of the doors not working?
  19. Aussie Cleetus

    ServerMonitor with updater (including mod updates)

    both actually, it uses the lists to download the mods from steamcmd, then uses the id from the url so that it can get the path that the mod gets downloaded to (as steamcmd actually doesn't download mods via name, it stores by id). So the order or mods in these files also determines mod load order
  20. Aussie Cleetus

    ServerMonitor with updater (including mod updates)

    an example: BuildAnywhere - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1574054508 KillFeed - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1567872567 Basically the name is just there for our own records, so we can remember what mods we have. The program automatically finds the entry based on the url, that's why the url must be the last part on any given line
  21. Aussie Cleetus

    Stable Update 1.04.152050

    #6 was never supported and is a terrible idea. That is not how hives work.
  22. Aussie Cleetus

    Experimental Update 1.03.151478

    Inability to get out of vehicles is a big one that will need to be addressed before it's ready for stable too.
  23. Aussie Cleetus

    Experimental Update 1.02.150980

    if you look at the severity of the work that was done in the FIXES section, those sort of issues rate way higher on the priority listing than cosmetic changes such as hair through items. I understand you want immersion, but have to remember that they do have limited hours to work with, despite having a decent team size. Prioritizing is the most important thing for them to be doing. They've acknowledged it in the past as something they want to get done properly, but that sort of thing will come over time as higher priority tasks are taken care of.
  24. Aussie Cleetus

    Experimental Update 1.02.150980

    I'm excited for this patch. I hope all goes well over the next few hours of testing.
  25. Aussie Cleetus

    [RELEASE] DaRT 2.2 - Server Edition

    I was not the creator of the original Dart. I created a fork and added to it, as the original creator had abandoned it and there was once a need. I also ceased further development once modding was released, as I no longer needed dart for handling kill notifications