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Aussie Cleetus

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Everything posted by Aussie Cleetus

  1. Aussie Cleetus

    Public Shard/Hive?

    I looked further into it, and my theory for a "fake" sqlite file that is really just pulling/sending data from/to a mysql server is not really plausible. The issue is that a "hive" is just another name for a database server that houses the character table. The current system uses sqlite which is a single file local-only database, which cannot be access by an application while it is already in use by another. The way coding works for sqlite is you open the file during practically the entire session that the server is running, for speed of access to the data within (it's actually a feature they boast). Therefore, the only way to make a "Hive" is to modify the entire database interactions to work with a new database system that actually allows multiple connections. The sqlite file holds ALL information about the world, not just the players. The data is not separated. So even if you manage to get 2 servers reading and writing the same sqlite database (technically impossible by their docs), both worlds would contain the same items on the floor, door settings, etc. This was quite deliberately done, they do not want us making hives yet. But that doesn't mean there aren't people capable of doing it. I know it's outside of my abilities, but it's somewhat still possible.
  2. Aussie Cleetus

    Public Shard/Hive?

    it uses SQLite, which is practically impossible to share between two applications, let alone across a network. SQLite uses fopen(), which locks a file while in use. So even if you could get the 2nd server to read the database, it wouldn't be able to write to it. The only solution around this that I can think of is some form of sqlite reader/converter to mysql, but it still would not be an easy or even viable solution. Unless somehow a mock sqlite file is made that the server hooks into that is really hooking to a mysql server, but that is just a mental theory (not even sure if it even possible).
  3. Aussie Cleetus

    Need help making server run/show in list

    FYI, the way directories seem to work in windows, you literally omit the space and it works so C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer\battleye becomes C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer\battleye That prevents requiring battleye in multiple locations unnecessarily. Just putting this out there for anyone who might find it in a search trying to fix their server. I understand that most here have it working now, but some of the information is slightly off or requires more poking to explore lol.
  4. Aussie Cleetus

    Need help making server run/show in list

    27016 external to 27016 internal I really don't know why they didn't mention this, it's absurd. rCon is a bit more complicated. You need to make sure your BEServer_x64.cfg is in the same directory as the BEServer_x64.dll that you have your -profiles and -BEPath pointing to. Example BEServer_x64.cfg (change yourdesiredpassword to whatever you want as your rCon password and youripv4address to your internal LAN IP or to, which will work just fine) RConPassword yourdesiredpassword RestrictRCon 0 RConPort 2302 RConIP youripv4address It's also easy to install BEC from ibattle.org. Just make sure that if you do set the timeout to 0 in the config, and to launch BEC use: Bec.exe -f Config.cfg --dsc This gives whitelist, chat filter, additional anti-cheat and global bans from BEC list.
  5. Aussie Cleetus

    Vehicle and More

    // Code derived from TheKappatalist420 on reddit in r/dayz https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/9hamlp/the_dayz_server_owner_howto_and_faq/ // Use one or another only, using all at the same time will undoubtedly cause issues (spawning all vehicles into 1 location just seems silly) // Spawn Sedan at Player - Sedan is terribly uncontrollable, traction is practically non-existent. Doors, trunk and hood cannot be opened unless someone is already inside the vehicle (the option does not seem to cause an update on the model). Terrible storage capacity EntityAI oCar = EntityAI.Cast(GetGame().CreateObject("CivilianSedan", player.GetPosition(), false, true)); oCar.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CivSedanWheel"); oCar.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CivSedanWheel"); oCar.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CivSedanWheel"); oCar.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CivSedanWheel"); oCar.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CivSedanWheel"); oCar.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CivSedanDoors_Driver"); oCar.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CivSedanDoors_CoDriver"); oCar.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CivSedanDoors_BackLeft"); oCar.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CivSedanDoors_BackRight"); oCar.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CivSedanTrunk"); oCar.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CivSedanHood"); oCar.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("SparkPlug"); oCar.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("EngineBelt"); oCar.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CarRadiator"); oCar.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CarBattery"); oCar.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HeadlightH7"); // Spawn Bus at Player - This is terribly broken. The doors do not open, and dialog to enter the vehicle as driver or passenger are absent. List may be missing some parts. Storage is not wide enough to fit an SVD, Mosin9130 or IZH18 Rifles (1 column short). EntityAI oBus = EntityAI.Cast(GetGame().CreateObject("TransitBus", player.GetPosition(), false, true)); oBus.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("GlowPlug"); oBus.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("TruckBattery"); oBus.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("TruckExhaust"); oBus.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("TruckRadiator"); oBus.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("BusDoors_Left"); oBus.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("BusDoors_Right"); oBus.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("BusHood"); oBus.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("TransitBusWheel"); oBus.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("TransitBusWheel"); oBus.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("TransitBusWheelDouble"); oBus.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("TransitBusWheelDouble"); oBus.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HeadlightH7"); // Spawn Van at Player - Incomplete. There is no interaction programmed, from what I can manage to achieve, so Doors and Trunk do not open. List may be missing some parts. Terrible storage capacity EntityAI oVan = EntityAI.Cast(GetGame().CreateObject("CivilianVan", player.GetPosition(), false, true)); oVan.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CivVanWheel"); oVan.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CivVanWheel"); oVan.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CivVanWheel"); oVan.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CivVanWheel"); oVan.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CivVanDoors_Driver"); oVan.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CivVanDoors_CoDriver"); oVan.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CivVanDoors_BackRight"); oVan.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CivVanTrunk"); oVan.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("SparkPlug"); oVan.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("EngineBelt"); oVan.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CarRadiator"); oVan.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CarBattery"); oVan.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HeadlightH7"); // Spawn Offroad Hatchback at Player. Doors, trunk and hood cannot be opened unless someone is already inside the vehicle (the option does not seem to cause an update on the model). Drives reasonably well. Terrible storage capacity EntityAI oAWD = EntityAI.Cast(GetGame().CreateObject("OffroadHatchback", player.GetPosition(), false, true)); oAWD.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackWheel"); oAWD.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackWheel"); oAWD.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackWheel"); oAWD.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackWheel"); oAWD.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackWheel"); oAWD.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackDoors_Driver"); oAWD.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackDoors_CoDriver"); oAWD.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackHood"); oAWD.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("SparkPlug"); oAWD.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("EngineBelt"); oAWD.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CarRadiator"); oAWD.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CarBattery"); oAWD.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HeadlightH7"); // Spawn V3S Chassis at Player - Untested, but theoretically should work the same as V3S Cargo tests (except the tailgate as it doesn't exist) EntityAI oV3S = EntityAI.Cast(GetGame().CreateObject("V3S_Chassis", player.GetPosition(), false, true)); oV3S.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SWheel"); oV3S.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SWheel"); oV3S.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SWheel"); oV3S.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SWheel"); oV3S.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SWheelDouble"); oV3S.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SWheelDouble"); oV3S.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SWheelDouble"); oV3S.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SWheelDouble"); oV3S.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SDoors_Driver"); oV3S,GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SDoors_CoDriver"); oV3S.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SHood"); oV3S.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("GlowPlug"); oV3S.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("TruckRadiator"); oV3S.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("TruckExhaust"); oV3S.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("TruckBattery"); oV3S.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HeadlightH7"); // Spawn V3S Cargo at Player. Doors and hood cannot be opened unless someone is already inside the vehicle (the option does not seem to cause an update on the model). Tailgate does not show interactions for players, so rear passengers are unable to enter the vehicle. Storage is not wide enough to fit an SVD, Mosin9130 or IZH18 Rifles (1 column short). EntityAI oTruck = EntityAI.Cast(GetGame().CreateObject("V3S_Cargo", player.GetPosition(), false, true)); oTruck.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SWheel"); oTruck.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SWheel"); oTruck.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SWheel"); oTruck.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SWheel"); oTruck.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SWheelDouble"); oTruck.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SWheelDouble"); oTruck.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SWheelDouble"); oTruck.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SWheelDouble"); oTruck.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SDoors_Driver"); oTruck,GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SDoors_CoDriver"); oTruck.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("V3SHood"); oTruck.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("GlowPlug"); oTruck.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("TruckRadiator"); oTruck.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("TruckExhaust"); oTruck.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("TruckBattery"); oTruck.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HeadlightH7"); I recommend commenting out the driver's door, because you'll have to remove it to enter the vehicle anyway Vehicle Persistence does not save. So a server restart will make your vehicle disappear (at least spawned in this method). The consensus is that it crashes the client after about 2 minutes of driving. It seems to show fine on the player side for the driver, but other players apparently see the car fly off into space on their screens when it drives, so they are not multiplayer friendly yet.
  6. Aussie Cleetus

    Whitelist for the server

    use the launch paramater following launch parameter: --dcs Also make sure to set the timeout in the cfg file to 0. I have BEC working perfectly with whitelist functions. Bonus is, you can edit the WhiteList.txt file and then just restart BEC without requiring an entire server restart to add new players to WhiteList.
  7. Aussie Cleetus

    Need help making server run/show in list

    what the problem most people are having, with it not showing on the list, is something that was not mentioned in the tutorial at all. You need to forward 27016 on your router. This is the Steam Query Port, used by the game to find the server lists.
  8. Aussie Cleetus

    Vehicle and More

    Several are severely bugged, I went through a manual spawning method on player spawn and tested almost all of them (I assumed the V3S Chassis was the same as the V3S Cargo for function) Having said that, I'm quite interested to find out more of your findings.