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Aussie Cleetus

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Everything posted by Aussie Cleetus

  1. Aussie Cleetus

    Dayz 0.28 Chernarus+ 2013 Map Edition

    This is 100% against the EULA, you will find that Bohemia will shut you down faster than a DayZ crash.
  2. Aussie Cleetus

    Tent damage

    DBD works fine, make sure the mod is updated on both server and clients, and the most recent key is installed
  3. Aussie Cleetus

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    Have a fantastic break! We'll all be here in the new year eager for the next leg of the journey!
  4. it works fine for me, not sure what's broken about it. I run 18 mods, and if the players don't have the mods, they cannot join. 108 users and all connect no problems. All have the mods installed so they can join. It's broken if you try to repack the core pbo files, yes. But that is foolish.
  5. Aussie Cleetus

    1.0 Server files incomplete?

    -connect= -port=2402 is the correct params to direct connect
  6. Aussie Cleetus

    Crashing servers

    Fun Automat, you're in the wrong forum then... this is the DayZ Standalone server forum, not the DayZ Mod forum. Vanilla DayZ Standalone is, in fact, a thing and it has NOTHING to do with Arma any more as it is it's own game that just hit 1.0 release.
  7. Use equalModRequired=1; in your server config file. This will prevent users who do not have the required mods loading in. Just make sure you have all the relevant keys from the mods copied into your server's keys directory
  8. Aussie Cleetus


    You should NEVER use /f on DayZ Server. This can cause persistence loss.
  9. Aussie Cleetus

    Private Shard Shared Database

    Bohemia have not released the sharding capability outside of GSP hosts and their own official servers. We just have to wait for a legit solution from Bohemia for now.
  10. Aussie Cleetus

    Experimental Update 0.63.149840

    You clearly do not understand that Early Access is the Alpha and Beta testing phases. 1.0 and "Leaving Early Access" means full release. That is how the process goes. 1.0 is DayZ SA Official Release. https://dayz.com/article/developer-updates/dayz-is-entering-beta-on-pc This was outlined in November. Perhaps you missed that post. 0.63 was BETA. 1.0 is FULL RELEASE. Now get off that horse before you hurt yourself. It's too high for you.
  11. Aussie Cleetus

    Experimental Update 0.63.149840

    The issue with regular backups and restores is the work involved sure there is a batch file someone made (that takes a lot of work to get useable for most people), but besides that it's not a simple process to backup and restore the server. It's actually a step that should not be necessary. Same with mods, the server should have a way to update the mods it is running, but that has been overlooked badly too. As a server owner myself, I know that my players are off on other games waiting for 1.0 expecting miracles. Sadly I think this issue not being fixed in 1.0 will have most of them uninstalling. As for reproducing the bug bohemia it's as as pie. Turn the server off with the x button (considering you haven't given a #restart command), this simulates both a crash and incorrect shutdown. If you do it just as it's cycling or saving your data is corrupted and stuff is lost. It's really not rocket science to reproduce the issue.
  12. Aussie Cleetus

    Zombie Hordes to my server

    it's actually relatively easy. ZombieHordes.c Save that into your dayzOffline.chernarusplus folder where init.c is Add this to the top of init.c: #include "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\InfectedHordes.c" Add this inside override void OnInit() in init.c ref InfectedHordes myHordes = new InfectedHordes(); And Boom... there is DaOne's infected hordes compatible with Vanilla Mission. This is NOT MY CODE. This is DaOne's code, I have merely adapted it to make it compatible for everyone. Albeit, stripped down a little and the custom loot won't spawn on them unless you modify ZombieBase.c to suit.
  13. Aussie Cleetus

    Experimental Update 0.63149374

    "Feature, not a bug"
  14. Aussie Cleetus

    Show Kills in Server Log

    yes the logs use GetID, not BE GUID You would have to modify PlayerBase.c to change the logs to put the BE GUID in
  15. Aussie Cleetus

    [RELEASE] DaRT 2.2 - Server Edition

    This is 100% broken, since Bohemia decided to remove kills from the ADM file.
  16. Aussie Cleetus

    Experimental Update 0.63.149358

    Exciting. Will be even better once Steam sends out the update to the Exp Servers.
  17. Aussie Cleetus

    Extending Item Despawn & Respawn Timer

    Are you using anything that clears your storage_1\Types.bin file? I believe that's where loot from the ground is stored
  18. Aussie Cleetus

    How to activate the sapwning of weapons?

    There is no point because they don't work. Most have a constant muzzle flash and cannot be loaded/fired. Just because it's in the files doesn't mean it works. Same goes for cars.
  19. Aussie Cleetus

    Extending Item Despawn & Respawn Timer

    yes, you need to save and load Dynamic in economy.xml <dynamic init="1" load="1" respawn="1" save="1"/>
  20. Aussie Cleetus

    [RELEASE] DaRT 2.2 - Server Edition

    # Set the amount of Normal players who can connect. Set it to -1 to disable it. # If set to 0 it means only players who are listed in the Admins.xml, (or whatever you call it) will be able to connect to the server. # Quick Example 1: server can holed 50 players. and you want to reserve 5 slots for admins. then set SlotLimit to 45. # Quick Example 2: server can holed 50 players. and you want to reserve 5 slots for admins and 5 slots for friends. then set SlotLimit to 40, # AND edit your admins.xml. ADD in all your frineds guid and remaining data, put them in group example 100. or whatever you feel likt. # by using this method you can give some of your friends some access to some commands if you like or none. # in general this is works like .Whitelisting X player slots for admins and friends, while leaving the remaining Y slots for public. SlotLimit = 55 change that in BEC's config
  21. Aussie Cleetus

    [RELEASE] DaRT 2.2 - Server Edition

    you need to set the reserved players in admins.xml Then you need to go into config and set the max slots and reserved space
  22. Aussie Cleetus

    [RELEASE] DaRT 2.2 - Server Edition

    BEC handles reserved slots. I recommend looking into that.
  23. Aussie Cleetus

    Spawned object will disappear after server restart

    The map editor for the current map format isn't released yet. They said it will be easy to convert Arma3 community made maps, but I am yet to see an actual modified map file anywhere.
  24. Aussie Cleetus

    Spawned object will disappear after server restart

    they have to stay in your init.c file. When you remove them, they will completely disappear from the world. This method is not map modifying, it's simply spawning new buildings to the world when the server loads.
  25. Aussie Cleetus

    Delete Player From Database

    sqlite3 tools is what you are looking for. you'll first need to find the record, then use it in command line to send a query to remove the record.