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About Kackarot58

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Kackarot58

    How vehicles spawn work?

    You dont need engine belts
  2. Kackarot58

    Luber Piles

    DId you do this in the editor?
  3. Kackarot58

    DayZ tool to place objects/buildings on server?

    I have read some comments in the Dayz Discord for modders. Its seems over my head. I guess the tools are not very straight forward. You have to mount a drive and set the settings.c or something to the folder and the tools will open. Like I said, over my head and not ready to die into it until I get a tutorial.
  4. Kackarot58

    Admin Tools

    Anyone able to get these running?
  5. Kackarot58

    Delete Player From Database

  6. Kackarot58

    Delete Player From Database

    I need to try and delete only one player from my servers database. What program can I use, and where and how is it done? Thanks, Kack
  7. Kackarot58

    Dayz map mod

    <group name="Land_Misc_FeedShack" pos="647.718506 71.955666 2313.115723" rpy="-0.000000 0.000000 39.351330" a="50.648666" /> I have no clue what rpy = or A=?
  8. Kackarot58

    Dayz map mod

    I will try this tonight! Any reason loot might not be spawning in the building. I am sure I have to adjust some other file.
  9. Kackarot58

    Dayz map mod

    So I can get a building to spawn, but there is not loot in it. I also can use thisline of code once. vector spawnPos = "10719 6.7829 2450.65"; GetGame().CreateObject( "Land_Wreck_Volha_Grey", spawnPos, false ); I spawned in something totally different, but It says there is a error with spawnPos used to many times if I use it more than once.
  10. Kackarot58

    DayZ Categorized Loot

    Thanks Dude! You have been very valuable to this community
  11. Kackarot58

    DayZ Categorized Loot

    What do I change to make the chance of loot to go up?
  12. Kackarot58

    Is it possibly to make more Classes?

    Thanks! I will report back when I get a chance to try new loadouts. Is there a list of actually working guns for the server files?
  13. Kackarot58

    Is it possibly to make more Classes?

    EntityAI assaultClass(PlayerBase player) { EntityAI gun = player.GetHumanInventory().CreateInHands("M4A1"); gun.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("M4_RISHndgrd_Black"); gun.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("M4_MPBttstck_Black"); gun.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("ACOGOptic"); addMags(player, "Mag_STANAG_30Rnd", 3); return gun; } If I used this class more than once I get a error popup before the server even starts. Can i use different ones or do I need to create moar?
  14. Kackarot58

    Adjusting Food & Drink Levels

    Yes! Thank you!
  15. Kackarot58

    Adjusting Food & Drink Levels

    Yes! Where is that?