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gandhi's flip flop

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About gandhi's flip flop

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. gandhi's flip flop

    Experimental Update 1.16 (Change Log)

    Yeah, this game is advancing so slow compared to other games it will literally never get any major changes like this. I am going to stop checking what the new update is now because it is waste of my time.
  2. gandhi's flip flop

    How to raid?

    You just hit it with pickaxe,axe whatever any melee weapon or you can shoot or use grenades it will eventually break. This sheet is not 100% accurate as of 1.14 but close. It only takes 5 grenades to break in metal or wooden fence they have no difference for grenades.
  3. gandhi's flip flop

    Base raiding glitch?

    I was testing how many grenades it takes to destroy a metal wall and after 5 grenades the whole metal wall was completely destroyed including the frames. It is supposed to be 7 apparently, according to some raiding sheets. I was wondering if it is normal or a glitch. Also it takes 5 grenades both metal and wood it has no difference so there is that too.
  4. gandhi's flip flop

    Mistake character vanilla first person

    It is a stupid so-called "event" for Halloween. Remove the flies please I hate life right now.
  5. Let me just warn you, I heard from people even people they added each other on discord and steam and play together randomly betrayed them and unfriended them mid voice chat. Do not trust anyone people are scum bags. I recently had it too I met this guy in game and I told him "if you REALLY want to team up add me on steam so I know you don't betray me" but after 5 mins he tried to kill me I made a hole in his head he said nothing just left and unfriended me. People are stupid and weird and scum bags so in game possibilities are low try finding game off game.
  6. gandhi's flip flop

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    I will be honest, I want to play this game but just running around for hours to find 10 guns with no ammo and die to players is just not fun or good use of anyone's time. I think one of the reasons old dayZ was way more popular because it was way easier to find guns and when you found guns at least they had a mag in it with full ammo, not saying it should be maxed but at least like something random between 33-100%? Of course, if you want the game to be mostly just running around and gathering stuff and/or roleplay servers rather than PvP then it is great no questions. I am just not sure what the game is supposed to be on your vision I just know it is nothing like the DayZ mod and its submodels like origin, epoch, etc, and it is kind of disappointing. If I have to guess most people play this game for PvP, fighting with survival elements accompanied and it doesn't seem like where the game is going with the loot system is being restricted by hoarders stashing weapons and weapons not even spawning with mag or ammo. Also, cars and helicopters are not even a big part of the game anymore just so sad to see. This game needs less loot time and shorter travel time which will result in more player vs player interactions which I think all agree is the best part of the game and what people seek the most.
  7. gandhi's flip flop

    Official servers

    I have good internet, I tested it both ways. Ping test to a dns server and ping test to my router both have very good connections with no time outs maybe 2-3 ping jumps to 20ms to 160ms but it is out of 900 so 3/900 seems pretty low to me and nothing like 1000ms ping spike. I never have any issues on other games too. Only DayZ official servers. I use USA servers and I live in USA so not high ping.
  8. gandhi's flip flop

    Official servers

    I noticed you get kicked from officials servers quite often but it never happens on community servers. Is it something known ?
  9. gandhi's flip flop

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    I really liked the barbed wire change barbed wires were so useless now they actually provide protection from players on some occasions preventing from crawling in some spots increasing base building possibilities and zombies and animals being hurt by barbed wire is a nice touch.
  10. gandhi's flip flop


    Cars are really bad and not fun to drive. Literally arma 2 dayz mod cars way 10 times better than what we have right now. Hopefully they will rework cars big time like they reworked the game engine.
  11. gandhi's flip flop

    Car spawns

    I was trying to find a car on experimental server LA since they technically improved server performance so I literally ran from seashore to tisy and checked every single car spawn location on the way yet no cars anywhere. I am getting curios about how many cars are there in total and how the fuck are we supposed to find them. What happens to the cars people just take and never play the game again ? How do they despawn ?
  12. gandhi's flip flop

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    I have a question for dev team. Why do you wanna keep so many empty barely low player base servers instead having fewer but more populated servers with better machines ? I think it is a win win you only keep few servers and with the money you save you upgrade your servers. Better quality and more full servers.
  13. gandhi's flip flop

    What does lifetime mean ?

    So they changed LIFETIME for loot from 2-3 hours to 24-48 last update and now it will be 4-8 hours with 1.10 does anyone know what lifetime exactly means. Does it mean spawn time after a place is loot ? or just loot that is never picked being changed with a different one ? Or both or something totally different. I am looking for a real answer not just a guess so please don't say "oh yeah it means this" even though it is just a theory 🙃
  14. gandhi's flip flop

    wizard is in dayz/noobs perspective

    I don't understand how people starve lmao I been playing on official servers with all fucked up loot spawn system with 1.09 where they decided to set the respawn time to 24-48 hours from 2-3 lol and I still find way too much food I never need it. Also you kill a single animal other than chickens and you will be good till you die. I assume you are sprinting all the time and not looking at houses good enough ? You loot ONLY houses but nothing else if you need food fast. Check food stands they are amazing. Also check green houses. If you are going around looking at sheds etc and sprinting yes you probably will starve obviously.
  15. gandhi's flip flop

    Burn the loot - clear the server!

    Yes, all that loot you burn will spawn somewhere else.