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Everything posted by darklittlepoet1

  1. darklittlepoet1

    So i was thinking while playing today..

    Actually your right mate,they're nothing alike at all. I do like your idea so let's go through it very quickly maybe we can make one or two tiny refinements just to improve the experience! So intense chaotic 25minute last man standing shootouts in some of the larger parts of the map sound good,definately should sate that bloodlust that exists within our cold black dayz hearts. But with the timer being only 25mins and me being here to scratch that itch that can only be scratched by killing other players do I really want to have to scavenge for food and water I mean I do that all the time and I'm only here for a quick shootout, so maybe we'll get rid of the food and drink part (indulge me) Actually ya know what Bro? The zombies are kind of annoying in this mode,I'm really only here to shoot other players and the zombies are just irritating and get in the way so.....maybe we can lose them aswell, I really feel it will improve the experience so let's just give it a go! So we're down for 25mins of balls to the wall pvp carnage,can't wait man! Oh.....everyone is camping the place hard,goddamit this is third straight match were I didn't even hear a single shot let alone fire one! 25mins gone and every man is left standing something needs to be done,we gotta change something here Bro! What could we do to stop the little campy campers from finding a dark corner and just plonking there for 25mins? What about a wall or circle that closes in on the map ensuring that players have no choice but to keep on the move and eventually will have to engage with other players,I think that could work but obviously I'll leave that up to you! Between the two of us i think we have the makings a really good idea here! Let's just make the mod see how it goes and if it's successful we should turn it into a full game and sell millions and millions of copies! What could we call it?
  2. darklittlepoet1

    So i was thinking while playing today..

    That pvp mode your after is already there Bro! When your in game press the start bottom and go to your menu and activate "PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds" It's right there in front of you bro?
  3. darklittlepoet1

    A hacker or just bad luck?

    Of course is was a hack! The guy knew you where the best player in Dayz he got jelly and hacked your shit! I'd imagine you've hunted him down already.
  4. darklittlepoet1

    How I Became The Best Player In DayZ

    I'm nowhere near the best but after reading this my My stats and k/d ratio have got so much better and now I'm powering up the Dayz power rankings,thank you so much! Another trick iv learned is shooting your friends while they are fighting off zombies,you can pretend you did it by accident and you'll gt a little extra gear and a nice power ranking boost!
  5. darklittlepoet1

    servers with HC?

    Im gonna stick to the HC servers aswell. Had a great time last night and the server seemed more stable, surprised by how smooth it was.
  6. darklittlepoet1

    2nd base raid

    It's monsters like you that keep me awake at night! A bad man a very bad man.
  7. darklittlepoet1

    How to reduce crashes while driving a car?

    Keep it between 30 and 50km, that weird 1 or 2 second freeze that keeps happening is enough to send you crashing into a tree or wall! And word of advice to people in a group....your not impressing anyone by driving fast GTA style,to much work goes into getting a car up and running to just carelessly wrap it around tree.
  8. darklittlepoet1


    I've been rocking a ruined suppressor for days? So it only sounds suppressed to my ears? Yeah I was wondering why my suppressed shots were attracting so much attention,derp derp.
  9. darklittlepoet1

    Getting sick in game

    I'm actually jealous I haven't even heard a sneeze yet. I wanna got sick and spread it to my buds,funny. On a side note has anyone noticed the new puking animation? It's fantastic? One of my new favourite dayz hobbies is when any of my mates go afk for a minute or two I instantly feed them until they get sick it's just so funny,cracks me up everytime! It means having to carry around way more food then usual but I'd say it's worth it.
  10. darklittlepoet1

    Duping getting out of hand...

    I think duping is becoming one of the biggest problems in the game. I'm part of a message group on xbox and and one dude was offering SVD's and full Gilly's to anyone that wanted them. He's offering this stuff to people he doesn't even know. It's just so cheap and lazy and driven by a horrible need for instant gratification,why work for something when you can get it free. But there's actually a darker side to all this. I've read here and on reddit that one of the potential causes of bases and cars vanishing is storing duplicated items in the inventory. The group I'm part of lost a lot of tents and gear a couple of days ago and I was informed yesterday that there was duped items stored there. None of us even know how to dupe so no clue how it got in there but it did and everything vanished when the camp had been working great for 2 weeks. I'm hoping one of you tech guys can clarify this and tell me there's no link between dupes and vanishing bases but my gut tells me their probably is. So worst case scenario it's basically a virus spreading through Dayz potentially infecting everything it touches. And with the amount of this shite sloshing its way around the community I'm very wary of what I'm gonna pick up. I kill a dude with a full gilly and Svd I'm not touching it,not worth the risk. Loot cycling is another thing iv started seeing more and more aswell. We got some bad apples in the community friends, determined to ruin it for the rest of us.
  11. darklittlepoet1

    Dissapearing tents at server restart?

    The crazy thing is I have a buddy on the same server and his base is perfect, not a single thing has vanished from it! I honestly don't know what to think anymore?
  12. darklittlepoet1

    Bohemia please add directional voice chat!

    You can see a players mouth move now when they're talking! It's a very cool feature! (Or has it been in since day and I never noticed?)
  13. darklittlepoet1

    Are heli crashes spawning?

    Yeah a friend of mine found one yesterday so yeah they are definately in!
  14. darklittlepoet1

    Dissapearing tents at server restart?

    I don't think so man. Like I said we lost 3 tents loads of barrels and a massive fence but 3 fully functional cars full of gear don't get taken? Just doesn't add up. I'm certain the tent and barrels despawned and there is more then enough evidence online to suggest that all these vanishing bases are NOT being raided.
  15. darklittlepoet1

    Dissapearing tents at server restart?

    Yeah we lost our base last night aswell. 3 tents,15 barrels full of gear and a massive fence vanished in the space of an hour! 3 cars and the gear stored in them is fine so it's really hard to believe we were raided. Id prefer to think a squad of elite raiders swooped in and cleaned us out then everything just vanishing into thin air but I doubt it very much. Back to the grind?
  16. darklittlepoet1

    Modded servers on xbox

    I remember reading about a dedicated mod section coming to Xbox think it's called Xbox Community Content or something like that! I wouldn't be surprised to see it announced with the next Xbox and I'd imagine a lot of Devs will support it so hopefully platform wide modding is on the way. In regards to Dayz I'd be cautiously optimistic we'll see modded servers one day but probably not for a couple of years. I'll try and dig up the article I read and post a link.
  17. darklittlepoet1

    U guys need to take a look at guns....

    Yeah I'm still getting glitched guns,firing blanks and not being able to reload a magazine at all. I've had to swap out two akm's last night both were broken. M4 has been working ok for me but still have to load a mag from the ground to avoid blanks. I'm getting a little stutter when travelling the map,some lag aswell and the framerate has took a hit. It's not been a great update.
  18. darklittlepoet1

    Dead by Wolfpack

    You'll hear the wolves before you see them,but by that stage they've probably locked on to you and they move quick and are a bit janky and if the you don't take out the first wolf immediately your in trouble,honestly they ripped me apart in 2 or 3 bites and I was fully geared. Bears would be a great addition. Id love to see a massive Grisly rip through a horde of zombies.
  19. darklittlepoet1


    I'm definitely picking up the next radio I see,I've pretty much ignored them but I'm gonna start messing around it. It would be crazy if someone half way across the map responded. Love some of the ideas above with the bigger radio stations. I mean who the hell wouldn't go there once that sound starting booming through the air,so much potential with that one.
  20. darklittlepoet1

    What new update do u want

    I'm really intrigued by the base building. Now I know it's only a campsite really but for me that's perfect. I hate the Ark or Rust style of building,it just looks a mess. I've been watching Dayz vids for a few years,guys like deadlyslob and RunningManZ and they make great content that's really entertaining but it's mainly PVP or player interactions so iv seen very little of how the bases 2ork. In your experience is it actually possible to set urself up a little camp deep in the woods and store some supplies and use it as a base? Or are you going to be hunted and robbed and beaten and all the other horrible things this awful wicked community likes to get its kicks from haha. Is it impossible? I think I know the answer to that one :) And is it common on PC to stumble across many bases? Is it like finding a hidden treasure chest? Either way I can't wait,I'm gonna go camping in the woods roast me some chicken and sip some cold pipsi. I'm sure it won't end badly.
  21. darklittlepoet1

    What new update do u want

    I'm definitely excited about nighttime,I get what your saying and no doubt it would be frustrating staring at a black screen for an hour! I love the idea of looting and travelling during the day and making a camp by night,lighting a fire and cooking some food after a hard day would be awsome. Now iv heard the PC vets say that's basically signing ur own death warrant as the crazies will hunt you down but that's part of the fun. Weather and time of day should be a huge factor when your planning your next move,you head into the darkness unprepared you should be punished. So when that sun begins to set you better make sure you have food firewood and a camp. Fail to prepare,prepare to fail.
  22. darklittlepoet1

    What new update do u want

    Yeah some good points there. It's a really tough job for the Devs trying to balance it out. I'm fully aware that the game I'd want would not be popular with the majority because they'd probably find it tediously boring! But yeah there's no easy answer,I'd love hardly any guns on the map but like you said that would just increase server hopping. Then I like the idea of being forced to stay on one server per life but then you get stuck on one with a low population or u wanna meet up with friends on another server it really limits ur options. Id actually be OK with them leaving the loot as it is but massively bumping zombie numbers especially in the military bases. I'm sure it's down to technical reasons but how cool would it be if the high end loot areas were swarmed so heavily that it's almost impossible to go in on your own. Yeah I'm in the same boat you are, takes me an hour to get geared and then I'm running around just looking for a bit of action because there isn't much else to do! So some new content would be very much appreciated. Honestly at the minute I have more fun as a fresh spawn because I have a purpose and I'm under pressure to find supplies but once I'm geared I don't even bother looting cos theres nothing I really need. I read somewhere new content should be dropping before 2019 so hopefully we don't have to much longer to wait. My only concern is the lack of hype on xbox and even these forums are pretty inactive for a newly released game.(not full release but you know wat I mean) Obviously it's not going to generate PUBG levels of hype and it's a very niche type of game but I'd like to see a bit more interest from the xbox community. But overall in excited about the future and I look forward to all the new stuff that's coming (eventually)
  23. darklittlepoet1

    What new update do u want

    Sorry,meant to quote this with my post above.
  24. darklittlepoet1

    What new update do u want

    I think you misread what Matt was saying and at the same time confirmed his point of view. It's way to easy to get fully geared,takes an hour or two to have more guns food and ammo then you can carry. Id love if they dumped 90% of the loot from the map and massively increased the zombie count especially in towns and cities. I want to feel like I'm in the apocalypse,I'm talking Cormac Mccarthy's The Road...."On this road there are no god spoke men,they are gone and I am left and with them they have taken the world". That's the feels I'm after,grim desperation when approaching a zombie infested city with only a handgun and 4 bullets but I'm starving and dehydrated so have to crawl from house to house in terror! Make it so horrifically difficult that we have to team up with each other. Other features I'm looking forward to are disease,broken bones, tents fishing and especially free-look cos trying to watch ur surroundings is a pain without it. Great game though,very unique and I can see myself playing for years.
  25. darklittlepoet1

    Dead by Wolfpack

    Yeah the wolves are up north and they are vicious! I had a fun little gun fight in one of the military bases which was a proper potato war,panicked sweaty mess of a fight where one of my bullets ricocheted of a wall and hit him in the arse killing him instantly! I swoop in grab that sweet looty pop a few zombies and flee deep in the woods! When my heart stopped pounding in my head I found a nice little spot to sort through my booty ,completely oblivious to the angry howling wolves that had circled me. When I realised what was happening I jumped to my feet and fired of some warning shots to sky. Turns out that warning shots aren't effective at all. These wolves are crazy,man. Just before I died I tried to run like the massive coward I am but he just done this weird little waddle thing and then the screen flashes red. Stared at that screen in shock for 15 minutes