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Everything posted by rafikicroz

  1. rafikicroz

    Add m249

    You dont need to mod the client, in the 0.62 i think there are many mods servers and in internet you can find leaked servers files for the same version
  2. rafikicroz


    i use the default port for game (2302) and the query port is 2304 xD i dont think you need a command for query
  3. rafikicroz

    Add m249

    The photos are from 0.62, in my steam dayz game xD https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/919169066112225454/21FB5EB798CD489B3F4D12C22F7B98AC5E4C8D6A/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/919169066112225014/BFFF6214C021B1264949B752812C07D40D54DD3D/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/919169066112226179/E5560E3561400DC0A3B992BE2F6AC06584CB4A8E/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/919169066112226300/86FFFA742BACFEB54DC9544E9E99D8B5E4B82CFA/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/919169066112226427/C7956734CE0BB227097D04853B0B4BFB952B4068/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/919169066112225313/36B7A76A3845D0D6AD3EB3008BD12A89DEC4BBE9/
  4. rafikicroz

    Server File Release Help

    You need to create a Shoutcut and put this commands for the exe -config=serverDZ.cfg -port=2302 -profiles=Server
  5. rafikicroz

    more server ports?

    if you use the 2302 you need to open too the 2304 UDP
  6. rafikicroz

    Infinite Sprint server with old+new spawns!

    the IP is a "road" to your pc xD but you need to have some configuration in the rooter to enabled external conexions
  7. rafikicroz

    Infinite Sprint server with old+new spawns!

    You fail xD the IP is local you need the public IP you can get yout public IP here https://www.myip.com/
  8. rafikicroz

    I found interesting thing about not server showing up

    Maybe the fail is to have the firewall disabled.. muchs server have this secutiry i dont known if DayZ have it xD but yes you need to add the ports in the OVH panel too
  9. rafikicroz

    I found interesting thing about not server showing up

    I have my server in OVH to and work perfect xD windows have firewall... ovh game servers have firewalls.. go to the firewall in windows and add the ports 2032 and 2034 UDP
  10. rafikicroz

    I found interesting thing about not server showing up

    The only Thing you need to do is Open the Port 2304 is the server-query port is what you need to show your server in the server browser