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About Hornet58

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  1. Hornet58

    Kill log

    How to track who killed whom? in log server
  2. Hornet58

    Safe Zones

    Im install this admin tool https://github.com/Da0ne/DZMods/tree/AdminTools(Solo) but i have error on start server Error: My ini.c void main() { Hive ce = CreateHive(); if ( ce ) ce.InitOffline(); Weather weather = g_Game.GetWeather(); weather.GetOvercast().SetLimits( 0.0 , 0.1 ); weather.GetRain().SetLimits( 0.0 , 0.1 ); weather.GetFog().SetLimits( 0.0 , 0.1 ); weather.GetOvercast().SetForecastChangeLimits( 0.0, 0.1 ); weather.GetRain().SetForecastChangeLimits( 0.0, 0.1 ); weather.GetFog().SetForecastChangeLimits( 0.0, 0.0 ); weather.GetOvercast().SetForecastTimeLimits( 1800 , 1800 ); weather.GetRain().SetForecastTimeLimits( 600 , 600 ); weather.GetFog().SetForecastTimeLimits( 1800 , 1800 ); weather.GetOvercast().Set( Math.RandomFloatInclusive(0.0, 0.3), 0, 0); weather.GetRain().Set( Math.RandomFloatInclusive(0.0, 0.2), 0, 0); weather.GetFog().Set( Math.RandomFloatInclusive(0.0, 0.1), 0, 0); weather.SetWindMaximumSpeed(30); weather.SetWindFunctionParams(0.1, 1.0, 50); } class CustomMission: MissionServer { #include "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\AdminTool.c" override void OnInit() { AdminTool(); string m_AdminListPath = "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\\"; FileHandle AdminUIDSFile = OpenFile(m_AdminListPath + "Admins.txt", FileMode.READ); if (AdminUIDSFile != 0) { string line_content = ""; while ( FGets(AdminUIDSFile,line_content) > 0 ) { m_AdminList.Insert(line_content,"null"); //UID , NAME Print("Adding Admin: "+ line_content + " To the Admin List!"); } CloseFile(AdminUIDSFile); } } void SetRandomHealth(EntityAI itemEnt) { int rndHlt = Math.RandomInt(40,100); itemEnt.SetHealth("","",rndHlt); } override PlayerBase CreateCharacter(PlayerIdentity identity, vector pos, ParamsReadContext ctx, string characterName) { Entity playerEnt; playerEnt = GetGame().CreatePlayer(identity, characterName, pos, 0, "NONE");//Creates random player Class.CastTo(m_player, playerEnt); GetGame().SelectPlayer(identity, m_player); return m_player; } override void StartingEquipSetup(PlayerBase player, bool clothesChosen) { /* player.RemoveAllItems(); EntityAI item = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(topsArray.GetRandomElement()); EntityAI item2 = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(pantsArray.GetRandomElement()); EntityAI item3 = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(shoesArray.GetRandomElement()); */ EntityAI itemEnt; ItemBase itemBs; itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Rag"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); itemBs.SetQuantity(4); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Flashlight"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Battery9V"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("ChernarusMap"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); } }; Mission CreateCustomMission(string path) { return new CustomMission(); }
  3. Hornet58

    BadNames - BEC

    BadNames not working!( BEC and autorestart working
  4. Hornet58

    System message size

    How to exchange message size? Thanks
  5. Hornet58


    How to create more loot on server? x2 or x3 etc
  6. Hornet58

    Connecting failed

    Thanks. All Ok
  7. Hornet58

    Connecting failed

    with your mission server started but error "Connecting failed"
  8. Hornet58

    Connecting failed

    I did this twice and once reinstall server. You can send me a mission?
  9. Hornet58

    Connecting failed

    And i have error in console
  10. Hornet58

    Connecting failed

    Yes port 2302 open TCP\UDP in\out
  11. Hornet58

    Connecting failed

    At a connection to the server always disconect with error "Connecting failed" This .bat file im nothing touch in server files
  12. Hornet58

    Dedicates server

    I have a problem. connection error "Connecting failed" this .bat start server