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Michael Matheossian

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About Michael Matheossian

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  1. Michael Matheossian

    I found interesting thing about not server showing up

    I disabled the firewall because we have a good protection with OVH and don't have any problem
  2. Michael Matheossian

    I found interesting thing about not server showing up

    So for you with Windows firewall disabled I need to open port with OVH only ?
  3. Michael Matheossian

    I found interesting thing about not server showing up

    Yes and when you have no firewall on dedicated server and server like CSGO Server work perfectly and Dayz server not working, How to configure QueryPort for Dayz Standalone ? The server is Host on dedicated Server buy on OVH with Windows Server 2016 I7 7600k(Or another I don't remember really) and 32GB of RAM. I just have access with RDP(Remote Desktop Protocol).
  4. Michael Matheossian

    I found interesting thing about not server showing up

    Yes Devs need to fix that
  5. Michael Matheossian

    I found interesting thing about not server showing up

    Up Up Up Up Up
  6. Hi(Sorry for my bad English), I have a probleme, my server won't show up to my friend,So I decided to search,I recreated multiple server on the dedicated machine I have (On Windows Server 2016 with Remote Desktop Control) And not working for my friend, AND I had the idea to create a Remote Desktop Session to my friend (My friend and me are not connect to the same network) And after he connect to my Dedicated server, he refresh server list on Dayz and try to find my server HE FIND IT,So the theory is,Client need to have first connection between the host machine who host the Dayz server before see the server. Fix can be done without update server files ? I have not firewall enable on both PC and dedicated server and ports is all open
  7. Michael Matheossian

    Problem Server

    I can find but my friends with the same IP can't find I change port adress 2406. But I alone to test the server can you search the server and say me if you see the server ?
  8. Michael Matheossian

    Problem Server

    Yes but the server running all the night and not showing up and only me can see but Its not on my network ? My friend can't see me when I join the server Can you test this IP and just say if you see the server
  9. Michael Matheossian

    Problem Server

    Hi, I setup a server on dedicated server but If i use the ip I can connect but other person can't see the server in server browser in game,the server not show in Dayzspy website and I can't find the server without use the ip adress and the port,all port is open because a csgo server can run on the dedicated server but not Dayz server :( PLS help me
  10. Michael Matheossian

    RCON setup Server

    Yes the cfg is in and I set that but not working
  11. Michael Matheossian

    RCON setup Server

    "D:\Jeux\Jeux Steam-Origins-Autre\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\DayZServer_x64.exe" -adminlog -dologs -port=2302 -config=serverDZ.cfg -BEpath=D:\Jeux\Jeux Steam-Origins-Autre\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\battleye This is the path I try dont work :(
  12. Michael Matheossian

    RCON setup Server

    Yes but when I do that and launch the server Dart not working :(
  13. Michael Matheossian

    RCON setup Server

    Can you send an exemple of the -BEpath= you have pls
  14. Michael Matheossian

    RCON setup Server

    Where is the cfg you set because I don't know the path of the cfg ?
  15. Michael Matheossian

    RCON setup Server

    Hi, I want to setup rcon password to connect to my server Dayz to control,ban player with Dart BUT When I create BEServer.cfg every location who beserver_x64.dll is situate, The RCON don't work, I'm very angry because the documentation is not precise and in Wiki of BattleEye Dayz Standalone is not mention so I REALLY need that. PLS Help me.