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Posts posted by HEEROCKSS

  1. Hey All. Im pretty excited about running my own server, so far i can conntect to it and also my DART RCON is working properly. I still would like to know if there are more possible settings than the Server parameters in the Official Documentary. For Example: Only Daylight (and a range like 10h to 18h), how much loot, Vehicles etc etc etc. 

    Also im wondering how need to setup Steam/My Server to show up in Steams Server list? I tried by adding the Game and also Server APP-ID to the "/dev/Managegameservers List but it wont show up.

    Thanks for any Help.

    PS: I would like to welcome everyone to test my Server :) ocm.internet-box.ch:2302

  2. 54 minutes ago, Better Call Lugonic said:

    start the server with a .bat with all parameters and make sure you unlocked the right port in your firewall

    I did that but it still wont work.

     [ERROR][Server config] :: instanceId parameter is mandatory and must be valid 32-bit integer.

