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Everything posted by robotstar

  1. Hey there. Tribez RP is hiring! We're looking for an experienced admin to come join our ranks and help specifically with advertising and sharing our server with the world. You'll want to get involved and you'll be around consistently to help our survivors ingame, but also look at organising events, and sharing videos etc on social media. Come have a chat with our admins on https://discord.gg/XMSEzb - or send us a contact request at www.tribezrp.co.uk
  2. As the title suggests, our server at https://www.tribezrp.com is a modded server. Our server depends on players being able to see our custom code (buildings, items etc). We know that players are connecting without the correct mods installed and it's having a knock-on effect ingame with people seeing invisible walls etc and others seeing everything correctly. Is there a way, or a piece of code I can add to the server, that forces people to head to the modpack and install everything? Thanks chaps.
  3. So the storm passed through... and it wiped the world clean... But the Tribez are quick to work and a new world is already taking shape... What's more, a new military compound has just appeared outside of Pulkovo, and three new refugee camps have been spotted around the place. Already fortified; it looks like people have moved in already... Get yourself ingame!
  4. Tribez is a real, ever-evolving, fluid community. There is no good and there is no evil. There is no right or wrong. There is just survival. How we survive is up to us and our tribe. There is no law, but there are communities which each character will choose to belong to when they first arrive. These communities are called tribes, and each tribe brings with it a bespoke set of tools to help the survivor make it in their chosen role. Belonging to a tribe does not inhibit you from interacting with other tribes, nor does it mean you are allied or against any one in particular. It is merely a stepping stone into meaningful RP with people who choose to play the game like you. Want to be a soldier? A teacher? A policeman? A petty crook? At Tribez you can be anything. You're not limited by zombie outbreaks, or Chernarussian defence forces, or any other complicated lore which plagues every other RP server. Our lore is simple. You were there, now you're here. You don't know how you got here. You're just here. Head to https://www.tribezrp.com to find out more about our very cool server!
  5. A storm is coming - This week we'll be wiping the map, as we do every 3 months or so. This means that everything starts again. New custom buildings will be added and a whole host of new things will be appearing. Now's a good time to get your whitelist application in!
  6. robotstar

    Fruit from trees

    You, sir, are a beautiful person. Thank you!
  7. More balancing. EU and US admins so you'll always have someone there. Take a look at our website http://www.tribezrp.com
  8. robotstar

    Fruit from trees

    I'd be interested to know too. It's not the CLE, it's somewhere else as to OP states.
  9. Our server is now whitelist only. War is coming - the military are low on numbers, the civilians are revolting, the cultivationists have headed for the hills. Get involved!
  10. robotstar

    Stable Update 1.0.150192

    Anyone having issues picking items up after this update? Reports on our server say that nobody can pick items up with F. Well, you can, but it appears the hit box has been shrunk so small that you can hardly see it now.
  11. Apparently we had a visit from Sadaplays last night :) The trib is now ingame. Our very own currency. Go check out https://www.tribezrp.com for a whitelist :)
  12. There's still time :)
  13. Doh! My mistake. I never look at the topic thread!
  14. Hey. It's DayZ persistency. Most servers are suffering from persistency crashes which delete items. Our server is using some very clever persistency backup and recovery and we have no issues at all. If you're looking for a stable place to play go look at http://www.tribezrp.com
  15. robotstar

    All players base on my server are being deleted.

    Our server doesn't suffer this problem as we have some very clever persistence tracking and recovery systems working in the background. We're stable since 1.0 and we have ENORMOUS bases, including a whole new town. Nothing being lost. Edit: Took out the website address to our server. Sorry, didn't read your post correctly and you're a server owner yourself, so don't want to steal players from you
  16. robotstar

    Combination lock whortless

    I think you'll find they're breaking in by using Hacksaws. The reason I know this is simple maths. a 3 combination lock contains 1000 possible permutations. That's 999 chances to get it wrong. Even if you discount the last digit, you still have to get the first 2 correct. 2 digits is 100 permutations, and any of these might be wrong... And even if you do get it right, you still won't know until you get the 3rd digit correct... Which takes you back to 3 digits and 1000 permutations. To take this one step further... To cycle a combination lock ingame by one digit takes about 3 seconds for each number. In order to cycle the combination lock to the correct number could therefore theoretically take 50 minutes. (1000 x 3 /60) And you're saying you have 2 locks. So that's theoretically 1:40 minutes of combination hunting. I'll admit that unless your combination code is 999 and they start at 000, it's going to take them less time. But the point is it takes a LOT less time to just cut through it with a hacksaw. (2 minutes or something isn't it?) They're not breaking the combination. They're breaking the lock.
  17. robotstar

    Stable Update 1.0.149923

    Or use CFTools OmegaService Client. Our server backs up persistence every single minute and automatically recovers on every persistence crash. Requires a dedicated server though.
  18. robotstar

    Stable Update 1.0.149923

    You can probably ignore this error. It's not actually a crash. It's just an error report. It comes from you having DayZ SA tomato, which I believe is an admin tool capable of spawning in items. We have this error from time to time on our server, as we use a similar set of admin tools.
  19. robotstar

    Is this how i can spawn v3s?

    The V3S is completely broken chap. Don't even try to get it in. I've spawned a few in, added all the parts and as soon as you get in your screen goes black and you die.
  20. So part of the issue we've been having with these repeated persistence wipes is that our server, and many other servers, are not reporting a crash. As far as it's concerned everything is fine. We've had 2 persistence wipes on 1.0 and they've both happened selectively. By that I mean that not everything gets wiped. Some of our settlements are fine. Cars are fine and bases are ok... EXCEPT for the ones that had no players in them during the restart/backup (Our server actually just does a backup now every 4 hours, which also restarts the server). We've just had it again and had to roll back agin. One of our settlements despawned everything - cars, tents, basebuilding items. Every other settlement, which had people in them during the restart, survived. I can't put a bug tracker in for this as there isn't a bug according to the server. So I'm putting it here in the hope that a Dev sees it.
  21. Meh, we've just had a restart and lost another 2 settlements now. So guttingly annoying. We're losing players now.
  22. That also may be something not connected with mod and player vicinity crashing. All I can suggest is what we've noticed on our server. Since 1.0 we were solid and stable until we installed some mods back in and players left the vicinity.
  23. Yep, I've posted it there too, with our steps to reproduce, mods etc. We think that it's a combination of player vicinity and certain mods which affect the lootpile. Since 1.0 we were running a pretty stripped back vanilla server, with just a few admin mods installed. Everything's been smooth sailing. Since it was stable we decided to go ahead and place back in a few nice-to-have mods: Dayzplus, Weapons Redux, Sullen Skies and Disable base destruction. Since then, and only when there are no players in the vicinity - persistence selectively wiped. We've stripped those mods back out and rolled the server back to when everything was working. On the next server restart, however, the selective wipe happens. That may be down to some legacy loot, or code that's still in the brain somewhere, but we can't be sure. We're rolling on from now and will rebuild and see if persistency gets any better.
  24. Also, I can confirm that we are using the 'friendly' restart scripts that were tweeted the other day.
  25. It's because we're no longer on 0.62. It's 0.63 now, which is a complete rebuild, hence a complete new download. Just delete your 0.62 files and redownload the correct version.