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MarKeR (DayZ)

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Everything posted by MarKeR (DayZ)

  1. MarKeR (DayZ)

    More Like Admin Abuse

    Battle eye can be configured to send restart messages, an hour before, then 30 mins, al, the way down to 30 seconds..
  2. Email kocheffel at hs e mail addy.. Mention I sent you.. admin@dao.nu
  3. 25.06.2012 00:58:36: xxxxx (xxx.xx.77.56:2304) aaa35d7941 - #34 raddWeapon = 'addWeapon' 25.06.2012 00:58:36: xxxxx (xxx.xx.77.56:2304) aaa3555d7941 - #34 raddWeaponCargo = 'addWeaponCargo' 25.06.2012 00:58:36: xxxxx (xx.xx.77.56:2304) aaa355d85d7941 - #34 raddWeaponcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeapon.sqf') 25.06.2012 00:58:36: xxxx (xx.xx.77.56:2304) aaa35d5d7941 - #34 raddWeaponCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeaponCargo.sqf') 25.06.2012 00:58:36: xxxxx (xx.xx.77.56:2304) aaa355d8d4734d5d7941 - #28 rcreateMarkerLocal = 'createMarkerLocal' 25.06.2012 00:58:36: xxxxx (xx.xx.77.56:2304) aaa3534d5d7941 - #28 rcreateMarkerLocalcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'createMarkerLocal.sqf') 25.06.2012 00:58:36: xxxxxx (xx.xx.77.56:2304) aaa35d5d7941 - #29 rsetMarkerPosLocal = 'setMarkerPosLocal' 25.06.2012 00:58:36: xxxxxx (xx .xx.77.56:2304) aaa355d8961b309a3b0bd1 - #29 rsetMarkerPosLocalcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setMarkerPosLocal.sqf') Is the code above symptoms of a hack? A small number of players with this code against their name in my logs!
  4. 21.06.2012 15:40:02: BF3Forever ( 29696f3e3306a6d598177a03d7c2a354 - #43 private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"vote_kick"] execVM "Scripts\ammo.sqf" Another one found.. Perm ban from me :)
  5. MarKeR (DayZ)

    rent a server with me anyone ? 50 players

    Contact kocheffel on here mate... At least a 50 man server for 50 euros a.month... Managed by kocheffel himself, all updates done by him. Excellent host and responds very very quickly to.any problems.
  6. Hey guys.. Couple of script users from the logs of de4. Guess you might want to add the GUID to your ban list... 29.04.2012 15:53:08: Vojtec ( 8ac69e7189ecd2ff4235142feff0bd26 - ec\Kit.sqf"]; badger17 = badger addaction ["God Mode", "Vojtec\God.sqf"]; badger18 = badger addac 29.04.2012 17:43:40: _eden ( 1c8aa5e919c37da5f3a2b13a2cf69aff - tupidmistake.sqf","SQF"]; hacks = hacks + ["GodMode","arma_eden\scripts\godmode.sqf","SQF"]; hack 02.05.2012 20:41:37: a black guy ( b57cb4973da76f4588936416aae2de05 - e): ""blabla"""];};', TargetName]; Removed IP addys..
  7. MarKeR (DayZ)

    Cheaters in DE #40

    We had arund 6 vehicles and a 2 choppers at one point!! Although, I am sure all the choppers apart from a very few older servers have them disabled!! Maybethe admin of DE40 could have a wee look at the log files for you!
  8. MarKeR (DayZ)

    Hacker on DE4 @ 21.20BST Appx

    Guys Sorry about this... I wasn't on tonight... Managed to crash the server last night before it hit everyone!! Aopolgies.. Will check logs, but dont hold out much hope right now to be honest!
  9. MarKeR (DayZ)

    Banned from DE1, unknown reason.

    Fenris.. As im at work at the moment I have asked the host to see if he can do a quick check...I'm sure it is something stupid. Will let you know ASAP.. Sorted Fenris.....
  10. MarKeR (DayZ)

    Abusive Admin DayZ DE #30

    Come over to de4, only reason for kicks are standard reasons and high ping of over 150ms.. Feel free to kill me as many times as you want :)...
  11. Just thinking tha it might be a good idea for a sub section for admin/hosts only.. I know his section is great, but a lot of info gets buried after a few hours and can be a pain to find what you're looking for.. For example, the scripts that mess hall posted a day ago, I have found them also, but only against a few players in around 6 hours of log notes.. Would also give the more experienced arma hosts a place to part their wisdom.
  12. MarKeR (DayZ)

    Forum sub section for admins only?

    Alfie Care to and me a pm with the google groups info please.. Thanks
  13. MarKeR (DayZ)

    Forum sub section for admins only?

    Seriously? Bloody news to me.. Anyone know at all how to get into it?
  14. MarKeR (DayZ)

    DE4 Hacked

    I managed to shutdown the server.in around ten seconds. Luckily I had my server reboot screen open at the time, alt tabbed into it.. Think I managed to save everyone who was on at the time.. Mr.medic is one of the hackers, although I cannot find any use if a script in the logs for anyone..
  15. MarKeR (DayZ)

    UK6 server gone mad

    Not a snowballs chance in hell it is Mirabeau.. He was on my server for weeks, and I would back him 100%... Oh, also! You knew the helicoptors were spawned in by a hacker, but you still used one? I actually eventually managed to spawn and I spawned in the middle of nowhere infront of two choppers, so i took one of the choppers and flew back to see if my truck was there but I couldnt find it. dont know for sure if i was in the right area though but it seemed to be gone as i traced my route back from the shore.
  16. MarKeR (DayZ)

    Dallas 37 -

  17. MarKeR (DayZ)

    Dallas 37 -

    Stop fucking blaming admins for being killed... Admins have no powers except kick, ban and restart... Search before you accuse..
  18. MarKeR (DayZ)

    DE4 possibly hacked?

    Git notification if it happening this morning. Soon as I'm home work ill check the logs. Sorry for this. DE4 hasn't had that many on it compared to other servers. Will post details ASAP
  19. MarKeR (DayZ)

    DE2 could be rented

    50 euros mate.. Not 50$. Which is a brilliant price for a managed server...
  20. MarKeR (DayZ)


    Thanks mate.. Would have hated to have banned someone for something that isn't a hack. Much obliged
  21. After having loads of problems with desync and major lag, we seem to have sorted it out now.. Opened the server back up to 55 players.. All cars are still spawning properly, one heli is still on the server although it is bugged :( Crashed helis are spawning properly. Time zone is UTC -8, sunrise starts around 1pm GMT, with full sun around 2pm GMT. Sunset, as far as I know is around 2am.. Never been on long enough to confirm.. 3rd party view is on, crosshairs are off.. No side chat, direct comms only.. Server manually locked unlocked after restart for flood control purposes.. Dropped into game from clicking join yesterday in less than 10 seconds.. Guess I'll keep this thread as an info and help thread. Any problems at all email dayzde4@sky.com or contact me via pm or on this thread.. Thanks
  22. MarKeR (DayZ)

    DE4 is back :) {3d:1 ch:0} UTC-8. No side chat.

    Just a quick update.. Server is still running A1. No lag and virtually zero desync, and if it does, it is for less than a couple of seconds.. Server is now running with everything turned off apart from 3rd party view, which will stay.. We have no crosshairs, no name tags, no way points and no scroll wheel range/scan.. Admin on or contactable all day and most of the night.. If you wish to make a donation to help running costs. Then please head over to http://www.murder-inc-clan.co.uk/ And you will see the donation link there. If you join the forums. It will show your name as donated. If you also please put a small note in the PayPal screen stating it is for the Dayz server.. Thanks
  23. MarKeR (DayZ)


    Thanks fighter... My question is, the ded server control panel, is that the area for admins to login, in game? Thanks
  24. MarKeR (DayZ)


    Found one other instance from one other player over two.days of log files.. Doing a Google search on that item returns some pretty interesting results. But want to be 100% certain.. Thanks
  25. 17.06.2012 10:38:04: xxx ( 8cb5c92ee3ae4b9351b965a979000000 - #40 private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"players"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf"; Will change it to the full info once someone can confirm for me! Thanks