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Everything posted by Tea_420

  1. Tea_420

    Xbox Launch Update 1.01

    Shouldn’t you be playing pc if it’s more comfortable for you? In my idea that’s the whole point of console is to use a controller .
  2. Tea_420

    Xbox Launch Update 1.01

    Controller lay out is garbage, Xbox player should be able to vote best lay out idea or concepts. Way to clunky same with inventory.
  3. Tea_420

    Server Reset Timing is Changing

    Originally there use to be night time server when it was a closed beta I’ve played on them but once it came to the public preview I haven’t seen any but I’m am starting to see servers go from sunny to rain in my opinion I believe it will be soon. I believe there are strictly night servers
  4. Tea_420

    Lack of loot after update

    They’re just taking it to the same spot on whatever servers they use on a regular it doesn’t follow them from server to server I know. But it’s ether that or the lowered the output of loot. Because before the beta keys got released to the first 5k I was playing, then a the game came to game preview to the public is when I noticed there isn’t as much loot at nwaf or tisy and before you could get 8 people fully looted 3-5 mags on top of gear of your choice
  5. Tea_420

    Server Hopping

    Server hoping should be banned flat out you wanna loot like that play pubg or play the game for how it was intended or don’t play you’re cheating everyone out for playing the game properly
  6. Tea_420

    Xbox Update 18/09/2018

    Was this SVD one you found on a player north of sever?
  7. Tea_420

    Lack of loot after update

    The reason there ain’t so much loot north sever or tisy is due to sever hoppers and their punk groups stashing all the loot the can carry.
  8. Tea_420

    Xbox Update 18/09/2018

    They’re right when we first got access to the closed alpha we log and re log we’d loose half of if not all of our food or water. Sometimes both with a gun or ammo all the way up by tisy . This games come a long way and beautiful compared to what it was two months ago