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About xbamaris

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. xbamaris

    Server Locking

    To be honest, that sort of defeats the fun of the game... considering zombies are not anywhere near as intelligent and widespread as they were in Day Z Mod... all you would be doing is running around collecting LOOT in an empty world... which sounds an awful lot like cheating.
  2. xbamaris

    Server Locking

    And what was the point originally?
  3. xbamaris

    Server Locking

    I highly doubt you can password them. This would be breaking probably the providers server license (assuming they are doing the licensing for the servers) There truthfully should be no need to password. And the reason why they don't approve of passworded servers on the public hive is because that would be exploiting (getting easy gear without the need to worry about pvp which is how the game is designed)
  4. xbamaris

    How does Gametracker work with DayZ SA ?

    It gets the servers by querying it on the server's query ip/port. However, the list on Gametracker is manually added I think by players. So sign up to Gametracker and put it on the list.
  5. xbamaris

    Server files?

    I'd be interesting to see if they would release the server files to a few for even more testing purposes. It will have to happen eventually.
  6. For whatever reason, my server isn't reading the bisign keys and kicks everyone who has DayZ that joins, I have not had this problem before, and I am not sure why it has come to this. My servers were inactive for awhile because of an IP Address change. Is there something I am missing? NEVERMIND. Forgot Dayz.bisign Delete this thread unless it helps people :P
  7. Lolol... So you think that a guy who has LEGITLY taken things from an enemy camp should be kicked/banned because of it? Oh my god, that would be anarchy to Day Z. Please... Shut up before you sound even more ridiculous.
  8. As of Its much harder to track teleporters or hackers. Alot of the information used to be in the .rpt file, but its no longer shows player locations/weapons constantly. This was very useful to me to find obvious hackers and teleporters, but was abused by other admins.
  9. xbamaris

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Should we look at anything related to AmmoBoxes (especially AmmoBoxBIg) as a potential hacker?
  10. lol Dez, we're not calling you on banning, we're calling you on restarting the server every time you die. Even when they are legit kills. You're the one who is being extremely childish and you have no reason for it. You've admitted it yourself. So quit thinking you've done nothing wrong because so far there's noone besides people in your group who agree you did nothing wrong. Everyone else is agreeing with us. Let alone, i HIGHLY doubt it's allowed to shutdown your server at night.
  11. Lolol, he did it again, he shut down the server right after we killed him again, we joined his TS and he called hacks when we wernt hacking, we were just tactical, Apparently using grenades are hacks... =/ Its his stupid fault for his group shooting non-silenced weapons like crazy in a Berizino.
  12. Dude, the video of us shooting at him in the chopper wasnt obviously included in this, this was way after this video was posted. We have all of what we did in the chopper recorded too. As well as "shutting down the server" after we flew away 2 minutes after we were still shooting
  13. Sorry, I did actually missread your post, I'm tired, the rest of my post is actually speaking to the people who say the video doesnt prove anything.
  14. Last time I checked, "acting out of emotion" isnt a reasonable excuse for restarting the server numerous times. If you actually watched in the video, He shot at him a couple times, then he either rage-quit or whatever, then he starts driving away, after that, the server restarts, then it restarts again, He keeps restarting it to prevent the vehicle from being stolen. If you REALLY want him to upload the full feature then he will, Hes not afraid, We don't have to prove we didn't hack, HE has to prove that WE did. Which, I can tell you straight up, There is no evidence of hacking because we didn't hack. We had an inside source on where the camp was, That's how we found it. Blame a disgruntled teammate that exposed the camp location. All we did was take advantage of the information. We are the victims not him.