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Everything posted by YOOP3R

  1. YOOP3R


    If you have the knowledge, and are willing to help us in getting our modded server up and running correctly, we could use your help.
  2. YOOP3R

    Big Announcement

    Bohemia kept us waiting all day for the announcement of a new map and then doesn’t say when!?! Why not announce huge fixes or the 1.05 update? Who the hell is running things over there? Just fix the damn game we have and get updates rolling out! Tired of this crap!!!
  3. YOOP3R

    Big Announcement

    It’s a pretty big slap in the face of the entire community.
  4. YOOP3R


    Ok, it’s Wednesday, where’s the fricken update?
  5. YOOP3R

    Devs giving us the cold shoulder?

    Xbox players owe pc players nothing! We bought an "XBOX GAME"! #CureLiberalismNow
  6. YOOP3R

    Devs giving us the cold shoulder?

    Now, the mods will come and lock, then delete your thread. They don't like the truth.
  7. YOOP3R

    Too many servers atm for xbox

    It only seems that there are too many servers, half of them were already given to pc players, and many other players stopped playing because the game is horribly broken. BI, don't give two shits about the xbox community, they took our money to invest it into fixing the pc game.
  8. YOOP3R

    Crazy Lag

    I agree! It's horrible. Major improvements are needed and soon.
  9. YOOP3R


    Good lord, what is wrong with the servers tonight? Frame rates are horrible, the lag is bad, people are constantly getting kicked. Please fix this mess.
  10. YOOP3R

    Game reverted to same state upon release ?

    Umm, are you in the correct thread?
  11. YOOP3R


    This was no UPdate, more of a DOWNdate. The frame rate is offensive, guns suck again, major lighting issues, building is still a waste of time, uggh! The game was in a much better state just hours ago.
  12. YOOP3R


    The one released today. It's bad, I get better frame rate from my etch a sketch.
  13. YOOP3R

    Game reverted to same state upon release ?

    They have killed the frame rate.
  14. YOOP3R

    Server Hoping Fix

    Would it be possible to choose a home server that would save your log off location for that server only? Then, if you go to a different server, have the spawn set to random just like a fresh spawn? It would fix base infiltration and loot farming.
  15. YOOP3R

    Server List Empty

    As I sit here looking at my my beautiful 4k HDR 65inch window to heaven, I can't help to notice that, THERE ARE NO FRICKEN SERVERS!!! Why have the DayZ gods (devs) forsaken me so? I have only stolen one med tent, why DayZ, why?
  16. YOOP3R

    Server List Empty

    Nice! Thanks for the update! +1
  17. After update the server list is empty. Cannot play at all. Also, as night falls, my screen gets all grainy and cannot see anything. Any suggestions?
  18. YOOP3R

    there are no servers

    Really? The op was stating a new issue since the latest patch, no need to be a jerk.
  19. YOOP3R


    Oh wow, I guess DAYZ will be the next game on #FAKENEWSCNN for being sexist. Come on people!!
  20. YOOP3R

    New Content

    I was really hoping for any kind of content update today. The game is getting very dull with so little to do. Guns, attachments, fortifications, vehicles, anything would be great!
  21. YOOP3R

    New Content

    Desease, broken bones, more weapons and attachments, more activities. Right now it's being played as a shooter only. Fortification and cars will be great too!
  22. YOOP3R

    New Content

    I just don't want to see people walk away from the game and not come back without even having a more full experience.
  23. YOOP3R

    Control Scheme

    I think that the PUBG control scheme would fit DAYZ very well! Hopefully we will get something similar. Still waiting for the ability to hold breath to steady aiming.
  24. YOOP3R

    Control Scheme

    The current scheme is kinda broken.
  25. YOOP3R

    Xbox Update 18/09/2018

    Using "Y" to reload, is still broken.