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gettn schwifty

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Everything posted by gettn schwifty

  1. gettn schwifty

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    I would also like to see character server lock! That character stays in that server to stop combat logging, ghosting and dupers! Of course some comprise in the sense of if a friend invites you to that server you can
  2. gettn schwifty

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    Mouse and Keyboard support would be great...hitting RB to zoom while running is throwing punches...delay in loading of frames while aiming down the sight through scopes...fps is a major issue in groups in large towns...holding breath would be a great addition...also custom control mapping would be nice...hair and clothing clipping needs work (hair sticking through hats) bags and vests blending or clipping through eachother...crafted burlap strips drop amounts increased back to random stack amounts ie 3,ect...had an instance where i fell through the map
  3. gettn schwifty

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    Mouse and Keyboard support would be great...hitting RB to zoom while running is throwing punches...delay in loading of frames while aiming down the sight through scopes...fps is a major issue in groups in large towns...holding breath would be a great addition...also custom control mapping would be nice...hair and clothing clipping needs work (hair sticking through hats) bags and vests blending or clipping through eachother
  4. gettn schwifty

    We need a sub-forum for Character Locks.

    It would be nice. I've been playing the game fine up until today. Character locked!!! Bloody annoying too because I don't server hope or log out during combat! I stick to a single server as much as possible, so I really don't understand why this has happened. A sub-forum for this would be bloody excellent