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Everything posted by Zeromentor

  1. I had the loading issue, Alt-tabbed out and watched a 20 minute cartoon on netflix (Angry Beavers, how I miss you), which it was done, I was met with the MALE FEMALE spawn screen.
  2. Zeromentor

    More hackers?

    Tested today, 12 servers logged into, all but 2 were nearly full. Of those 9 where hit by hackers within two hours. 1 of the ones that were not full had around nine people (not including me), I was able to play about 30 minutes before I was teleported into the air. I died 4 times from hackers today alone. High Pop servers are obviously their prime target, but not their only targets. They kill everyone, either by nuke, teleporting or just plain appearing next to them with an axe and playing loud music. In the past week I've died 7 times by hackers. Before that week, in almost (if not over) two months of playing, I have died 3 times. That means that with this limited data, there are more hackers now than ever before. They have to be coming from somewhere. I think the best part was when I was killed by a hacker, then kicked by the admin of a server because he thought I was with the hacker. Misunderstanding was cleared, but I was still dead.
  3. Zeromentor

    Dallas 49, admin abuse

    Okay, I met with one of the leaders or admins of the server, nice fellow. It seems this was a misunderstanding, and they banned us (Hayabusa and myself) for hacking believing we were part of another group that was actively hacking in the same location. The conversation was civil, I attempted to record, but do not know if my computer didn't mess that up (will check when I get the chance). We will not be unbanned (didn't ask to be) but they offered me free gear (which I declined). No further action will be taken by myself now that we have this cleared up. I will try to contact Typhus and Hayabusa regarding this. EDIT: As I expected, my computer ate the recording, and it is barely understandable. I need a new computer... ARGH
  4. Zeromentor

    To the admin of Dallas 49

    If your people would hand over the vent info so I could speak with the server admin(s) directly, we wouldn't have poorly collected "Facts". Until then, I'm awaiting the logs and the vent info.
  5. Zeromentor

    Dallas 49, admin abuse

    Hayabusa did not have FRAPS running as we logged into the server, Typhus was not on the server at that time, and I play on a laptop and I'm unable to run a stable FRAPS while playing games. Typhus DID fraps the verbal harassment made againt himself and others. EDIT: I'll play your childish game, where is your proof that YOU weren't riding on hacked in motorcycles? EDIT2: Still waiting for Vent Info.
  6. Zeromentor

    Dallas 49, admin abuse

    Hayabusa and I were never on any vehicles on that server and had just recently logged in. Those guys you call "Our friends" were [72nd] whom still play on that server. SHOW ME THE LOGS.
  7. Zeromentor

    Dallas 49, admin abuse

    Hayabusa is his own person, and I have as much control over him as I do Sol, our system's Star. We have asked numberous times for the logs to prove that we were hacking. Nothing has come from them. To the person that asked our names, you can easily find them in the logs, as they are the same on the forums. It was Hayabusa and myself. I do not know our GUIDs, but I'm sure that too is in the logs. Edit: I am unable to join Dallas 49 / US 598, because I am BANNED. So give over the vent info.
  8. Zeromentor

    Dallas 49, admin abuse

    Telling me to get on the vent server is easy. But what is the name of the vent server?
  9. Zeromentor

    Dallas 49, admin abuse

    [Cpt.]Avaeth[72nd] He logged off into the lobby, said something which I didn't catch (people were talking in Teamspeak, so I only seen his name light up in Group Chat) then boom, both of us (my friend and I) were kicked. On attempting to rejoin, we were banned. What is the vent server?
  10. Zeromentor

    Dallas 49, admin abuse

    I'm still waiting for something to be done. Admins on that server abused power and I haven't heard a word from anyone with any amount of power to do anything. So either this is their covert way of saying, "Yes, Zeromentor, it is prefectly fine to abuse power if you pay for a server." Even a little, "We'll look into." and sticking the case on the bottom of the pile will be good enough for me. Dallas 49 / US 598 Server IP and port: Still up and running. You know what this is below? Timestamp in GMT of them restarting the server after their buddy was killed by Hayabusa and their bike was blown up. Thing is, the server was only up for 5 hours, so it couldn't have been their normal reset time, and they restart every 2 hours or so. Why so many restarts? I think it is possible they restart every single time one of their own are killed. 2012-08-06 05:51:59 Restarted http://dayzmonitor.com/server_info/885.html
  11. Zeromentor

    To the admin of Dallas 49

    Dallas 49 / US 598 is still operating, and as far as I can tell nothing is being done about them abusing powers. 11. As a server admin you must not: You are not permitted to ban players for killing yourself or clan members. You are not permitted to shutdown your server when your killed. You are not permitted to shutdown your server when you lose a vehicle. You are not permitted to kick or ban for smacktalk. You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits of a non-server-disruptive nature, including but not limited to ghosting, unverified cheating, duping and similar, UNLESS you have solid evidence, IE logs. Everything in blue, the admins of this server have DONE. They are abusing power. Supposedly we were banned for hacking on the server, which isn't true. They have provided NO evidence to support this (and can't, because we were not hacking). I will not let this issue drop. Unemployment makes my days pretty boring, and this is going to be my new hobby. Infact, the server logs will show that right before we were banned we: A- Killed a clan member, B- Blew up their vehicle, and C- The server was restarted not even a minute later.
  12. Next time, flip to Directional Chat, hit CAPSLOCK and say this, "Why are you so hostile? Did I F*** your girlfriend or something?" Had a hacker in a ghillie spawn kill me 7 times, then I asked this and he logged off right in front of me. I can only assume he was mad because I blew his bus up.
  13. The problem is, you'll never stop them. At some point, they (the real hackers) will get bored and tell some random guy how to do it. Then BOOOM they flood one site or another, or even build their own. They'll advertise by word of mouth. You can't stop them. Even using fire to fight fire isn't going to work, because you can't stop an idea, only suppress it for a limited amount of time. Maybe a year, maybe longer, but eventually it'll get free. And if history shows us, ideas that are hidden have a habit of coming back much stronger than before they were hidden. Also, most of these script kiddies don't know how to work their own computer, much less build a script. Knocking out the sites that support them does NOTHING to stop the real hackers, the ones that figure the tricks out. You can't stop them all. Sorry, the best we can hope for is a slowing of the amount of script kiddies, as well as global bans for people that are caught. Knocking out an email only stops them for 10 minutes as they make a new one. Killing a video is pointless, as they post it to 20 other sites (youtube isn't the only one). Even slowing their income (selling the hacks) doesn't really work online as there are sites that truely don't care.
  14. I got to here, "but they wont be supporting arma anymore in their next day Z game" then I stopped. This is not the best first post for an account, man.
  15. I had this happen to me, got dropped in the ocean with the server, then I tried to swim back... Died. Later, I was running on the mainland with a friend, and out of nowhere, I get "HEY" in directional from some random guy, he fires at me (invisible guy) and then apologizes. Dropped my body at my feet. I looted myself, then was about to say something when the server restarted (thank you admin, I couldn't decide if I should insult the hacker, or thank him for giving me my stuff back). Sadly, I lost my backpack when I equipped the ghillie. Oh well, first ghillie that never glitched on me. But yeah, it sucks. If you have a map, you can use it to try to swim back to shore. Good luck, I died just 1km away.
  16. Zeromentor

    Safe AI Bases using the Bandit/Survivor Humanity

    1. No. 2. I'd collect all the M203 HEs I could find, get an M16A2 with an M203 on it. Then I'd find your fort and level it. 3. Rocket has said before, no AI protected towns. You want a protected town/base? Get REAL people to do it. Good luck with number 3.
  17. Zeromentor

    Re-Implement M107 TWS

    ROLLER COASTERS!! Oh sorry, my bad, I seen the OP mentioned coasters... and well... yeah. Anyhow, I don't really have a problem with the L85 AWS, as it is suppose to be extremely rare (forget dupers, they are trying to fix that, if we balanced the game based on cheating then all guns would have 9 million damage, and we'd float through the air, invisible). As well, the 5.56 round is limited in both damage and range, plus the L85 doesn't hold its own well in close quarters. BUT, a thermal M107? No thanks. Maybe a low range Night Vision version that you can't turn off, which would be funny in the day, sure, but nothing like what the OP is suggesting. I'd love more weapons, but he might as well be asking for semi-auto multi-round grenade launchers. Wait. Maybe that would be cool?
  18. Zeromentor

    Lee enfield Vs. Fn Fal & M14

    It's not about the loss of power, but the doube action going on inside the weapon messing with accuracy. I'll use a revolver as an example. Great little tool if you ask me. Single Action revolvers. Pull back the hammer, pull the trigger. Hammer goes down, bullet is fired from the chamber, through barrel. No movement after the pin hits the round, outside of recoil. Double Action revolvers. You pull the trigger, hammer goes back, drops forward, pin hits round, bullet fires, cylinder rotates. More movement, gun wiggles around more as the bullet leaves the barrel. Less accurate. But they can be the same round, say .38. Bolt actions are the same, and only a little bit of the power (nothing really noticable) is used to push back the "thingy" (Mind Blocked, damn) that ejects the spent round and insert a new one into the chamber. Movement means less accuracy. I can't help but feel like I'm using the term, "Accuracy" wrong. Maybe I mean precision? Oh well, it's 5am for me here, and I'm tired.
  19. Zeromentor

    Lee enfield Vs. Fn Fal & M14

    Larger and heavier bullet with more speed. That means more kinetic power when it impacts a target. That means more damage. More damage, in a bigger area due to the larger size. EDIT: I have no information on grains ingame, or .303 grain. This is assumption, not fact. That means it hurts MORE, not less. Sure, killing bucks (deer) you wouldn't notice much of a difference, both will put them down. But in this game, which was suppose to be realistic in damage (until BI F'ed it up), the bigger, faster round does LESS damage. Even worse, on DayZ it doesn't kill in 1-shot. Even worse than that, you can easily survive a .303 ingame, losing around 7k blood after bandaging the bleeding. That's 5k blood remaining, or six 9mm rounds or two 5.56, or two 5.45s. That's a lot of rounds to finish off a guy that was hit with a round that can easily kill any man with a single midsection hit. Understand, ingame we only have tactical vests, not body armor. A .303 should not do less than a .308. But before, 12.5k vs 8k was a bit too much. I said once, that the .308 might need to be buffed UP, to come into line with the .303, or that the it needs to be toned down (which realistically would have been around 9k). Instead, we are playing a game where .45s are nearly useless versus players (you get the jump on me, but as you reload I can turn around, line up my rifle, and poke you four times with a M4, ending your days). The great 12 gauge slug does like 4k damage, which is crazy considering the sheer size of something like that hitting you from so close. The 9mm is laughable. 889 damage? Makes the already weak 9mm MP5 look like a BB gun. No. Like a .22.
  20. Zeromentor

    Please remove "L85A2 AWS"

    Oh God what is this? A quote from Rocket? OHZ NOES!! Check my sig, it'll help everyone on this thread.
  21. Zeromentor


    Excellent work. Hopefully people will be banning those guys so they don't get a chance to use their "Thunderdome" script when they get their hands on it. I hope Battleye catches Notorius soon and permabans him. EDIT: I guess they can't ban him... Wait, then how did the admin of Dallas 49 / US 589 ban me?
  22. Zeromentor

    US 715 Admin abuse.

    This is all I seen. Claw, I hope you are banned for using exploits. Just because other people do it, doesn't make it right. People murder, rape, steal and lie. It's not right. People start genocide, blow up children and eat each other. Doesn't make it right. Hitler told millions to kill other countless millions. Doesn't make it right. Stalin killed millions, using his own military. Doesn't make it right. Just because people do something that is wrong, doesn't mean that a seemingly majority is in the right. They are in the wrong. You used an exploit, it is wrong, and the punishment is for the judges to decide (those being the ones in charge, like the DayZStaff as an example)
  23. Zeromentor

    Lee enfield Vs. Fn Fal & M14

    In agreement. The Lee Enfield nerf was too much. If I remember correctly, the .303 is a 7.7x54mm round. That's a bigger bullet, with more gunpowder behind it. That makes it hit HARDER than a .308 (7.62x51mm NATO). In reality, the .303 would hit slightly harder, at about the same range. Ingame, it was a little much to do 12.5k when the .308 did 8k. Now? 9mms are next to useless (14 rounds to down a player) .45s are a joke (lol, you HAVE to reload to kill someone, without missing, unless you get a headshot). Shotguns are crap, AK74s are more of a joke than ever (Uncontrollable Recoil+Low Damage= Bad Weapon) and the poor Lee Enfield does LESS damage than a .308... Who thought that was right!? As it is, we might as well be decked out with the latest anti-ballistic body armor, cause that is what is feels like when you get hit. I mean c'mon. 14 9mm rounds to kill a man? WHAT? Either the damage should be reverted, with .308s going UP in damage (9k) or the .308s should be reduced in damage to equal is closer to reality, then Rocket can adjust our blood pool down to match. (Say 9.5k blood total, instead of 12k)
  24. Zeromentor

    To the admin of Dallas 49

    Oh this is getting fun. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/63048-dallas-49-admin-abuse/
  25. Seems battleye kicks people for driving vehicles randomly. Sometimes you are kicked later, after you have gotten out of them. Usually the vehicle in question (the one that activated the script) is removed until the next server restart. Sometimes when you rejoin the same server, you'll be bleeding and knocked out. Remember that.