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Everything posted by tommyboyesxbox

  1. tommyboyesxbox

    Im kinda concerned....

    Currently the most widespread duping method relies on switching servers, to put it vaguely. So the mainstream and easiest methods have been stopped from working/being efficient because when switching server on official you get teleported to a random location, sometimes kilometers away. This isn't an issue on private servers as they are character locked and can go a long time without a scheduled server restart. They can even have server-wide wipes like the devs are having to do with officials.
  2. tommyboyesxbox

    Private YT RP Servers?

    Hey guys, you wouldn't be able to drop me a DM with the info as well? I've got another couple months of doing nothing at home so I'm planning to keep characters going on multiple private RP servers. I'd be happy to take up a specified role to play, one given out by the server host cos that seems like a laugh
  3. tommyboyesxbox

    Teleported into limbo

    Welcome, allow me to take you on an adventure: So, a week ago I stepped out of my car, got stuck inside a rock and instantly died. This time, I bring a load of stuff, like parts and full ghillie, everything I have on me, to a car, got to get inside and I get knocked unconscious and lose some health. The back pack I had in my hand slot when I was knocked out was floating on the drivers seat so I went to pick it up and during through the pickup animation I got pulled halfway into the ground in place of where the car was (although the car had now become invisible). Then I slowly started sinking into the ground, so I logged out and logged back in again. And on logging back in I found myself in the middle of nowhere, way outside the proper map area. No trees, occasional floating and falling and a never ending coastline. I've been walking along this coastline for over 45 minutes and have long ran out of food, the coastline seems to be bending right every so often, so I could even have been teleported onto an island.
  4. tommyboyesxbox

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    Please for the love of god don't let this update have wiped the ghillie suit I made ten seconds before being booted out the server for the update.
  5. tommyboyesxbox

    Ghillie suits!?

    I hath heard rumours of tales of sightings of players wearing ghillie suits on Xbox DayZ. Is it possible to craft them yet? I've been on trips along the coast and not found any netting :/
  6. tommyboyesxbox

    Xbox updates

    I'd say Elektro and Cherno are especially bad for loot because they're so close to the coast spawns, going inland is your best bet for untouched loot. Also, try looking around apple and pear trees or hunting chickens and cows for meat. Check their recent status update/website for news on vehicles and new weapons. Their Trello board shows things like the M249, PKM and Uzi.
  7. tommyboyesxbox

    Bug with guns crashing and reloading.

    I've managed to fix the clicking issue by removing the magazine and chambered bullet and then reloading by 'combining' ammo from my inventory with my gun.
  8. tommyboyesxbox

    Crash Sites

    Both the Russian and American heli crash sites are in the Xbox version of the game, but they're obviously very rare. The helis and their loot do sometimes de-spawn in one place and re-spawn elsewhere, but the smoke stays. This is a bug.