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About StompdownPA

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. StompdownPA

    Character Locked in Database

    That would be convenient. I haven't been able to play for almost five days now.
  2. StompdownPA

    Locked in database

    Another update and yet I'm still locked in the database. This is going on day 4 not being able to play and I still have not even an explanation. HELP!
  3. StompdownPA

    Can I play now?

    Going on day three without being able to play. Gamertag is StompdownPA This is too much.
  4. Been just about two days now since I've been able to play. I understand the fact that it's a work in progress. But all my buddies I play with aren't having this issue. Pretty damn depressing. Do I just keep waiting..?