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Dave Cutting

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Everything posted by Dave Cutting

  1. Dave Cutting

    Freezing every few minutes

    I get this now since the update! I can play fine but soon as I go into the inventory it crashes. With a game that is constantly in and out of the inventory the game has become unplayable! pay £30 for a game preview you cant actually play, would have been better off running a free alpha/beta first for testing before charging people for this. Its more expensive than pubg and (never thought id say this) actually worse than pubg's bugs etc
  2. Dave Cutting

    Xbox Update 11/09/2018

    Ive tried everything!! soon as you bring up the inventory it crashes! everytime! Tried all different regions of servers as well. Played all day yesterday with no issues and today I cant play it at all. Theres me thinking PUBG was bad, at least its playable and cheaper than this....
  3. Dave Cutting

    Xbox Update 11/09/2018

    Ive tried all that and has made no difference its unplayable for me at the minute
  4. Dave Cutting

    Xbox Update 11/09/2018

    I get that they have to make money to improve it but when I cant even play for more than 1 minute if im lucky its frustrating. 6 times in a row now my game has crashed after joining an RU server 30 seconds to 1 minute in
  5. Dave Cutting

    Xbox Update 11/09/2018

    This is becoming increasingly frustrating, I know its in the testing stage but since the update 1 minute after joining an EU server it just crashes/freezes. Perhaps this should have been free or at least much cheaper whilst the game is in such a bad state, I play on one x and was working fine before the patch today! feel robbed of £30 to be honest