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About Robzom11

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  1. Robzom11


    Right!? for some reason this game always has me daydreaming of what could be. Also was thinking of trying MD out as well.
  2. Robzom11


    Wow that’s super interesting! I agree it’s probably more likely to see seasons in DayZ 2, but wow didn’t think Sumrak would even address this, that’s awesome to hear.
  3. Robzom11


    Ohh how I’d love to see seasons in DayZ… does anyone know if this is at all a possibility for the future of DayZ? I know the devs are probably not talking about something like seasons at this point in development but I can’t help but hope that one day seasons are implemented even if it seems unlikely. Every time I get back into this game I always wander across this thought and just day dream. Wonder if this was at all in the road maps from long ago if any OGs could chime in, and also just love thinking about the prospect of seasons in DayZ so if anyone has anything to say about the topic I’d love to read it.
  4. Robzom11

    Cross-platform play

    Bro your talking about cross play… there is also limitations technically id imagine.
  5. Robzom11

    Console Update 1.19

    Love the changes to inertia, movement feels nice like your character actually has weight, although I’d prefer more inertia. Great update
  6. Robzom11

    Xbox Series X/S Upgrade?

    Will we ever see a graphical or fps update for these consoles? I believe the ps already got one awhile ago (correct me if I’m wrong) so I don’t see why Xbox still hasn’t received an upgrade. im also curious what the ps got in their next gen upgrade, if anyone is able to tell me any differences they noticed.
  7. I came across 2 vehicles today and broke them both because the water level indicators for the radiators said they were full when they weren’t. There was no indication with smoke or anything like there used to be. It’s been awhile since I last played so I’m just curious if there’s a work around or maybe I’m missing something.
  8. Robzom11

    Console Update 1.17

    Love the new update! It’s been awhile and I’m excited to try out all the new guns, items and whatever else has been added. New sensitivity options are nice to finally have and my gun skill has already improved quite a bit from it. Played for a few hours today mostly just trying to barely fight off a bunch of illnesses, but I have hope for my character and being sick kinda gives me a goal. However I imagine I’ll be hearing coughing and sneezing in my head while I sleep tonight lol.. Anyways appreciate the work the team is putting in and really haven’t experienced many bugs if any. Also thank god for the wipe, the game runs much smoother on the one x now.
  9. Yeah i remember, different error code though so wasn't sure what to expect. Its all sorted out, just had to wait for server restart.
  10. I was trying to login into my main official server and my internet happened to go out as i was loading in... Any idea if when the server restarts i will be able to login again, or anyway of fixing the issue? Has anyone else experienced this login error? I was tryna get a base going and now all my weapons and supplies for building are up for grabs 🙃 lol
  11. Robzom11

    1.14 coming soon.

    Ya its uvb lol thought it said orb.
  12. Robzom11

    1.14 coming soon.

    Go check out the videos on it. Looks like theres gonna be alot more to do/explore and mystery to uncover in Chernarous kind of like Namalsk. The one weird thing is the orb 76, i dont think they would add anything paranormal like in Namalsk but i cant help to think of the orb thing in Namalsk that teleports you when i read orb 76.
  13. Robzom11

    Are Seasons Possible?

    It dosent seem like it would be very difficult cosmetically speaking, more curious if it would be technically achievable without affecting things like persistence. Its a shame it hasn't been added yet, along with the list of other features not yet added and bugs still not fixed (hand/item desync being the most prominent bug imo)
  14. Robzom11

    Are Seasons Possible?

    I know seasons have been brought up here in the forums before, im wondering if its even technically possible in vanilla DayZ and if theres been any mention of it from the devs at any point? It would be nice not only for the aethstetic of Chernarous but for gameplay and immersion, I wish there were seasons so bad 😢
  15. Robzom11


    Idk about all that but it would be cool if they could stalk you