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Everything posted by felipeskater

  1. felipeskater

    Server Reassignment Xbox -> PC 19/12/2018

    Brazilian or South American servers, please!
  2. felipeskater

    Weather conspiracy

    this was easily solved if your progress was related to the server you played, if you change server, start from scratch. Ark is like that and it works cool.
  3. felipeskater

    Spawning in someone's base.

    I also want to know... ????
  4. felipeskater

    New feature suggestion

    Put servers with more zombies (5-10x) and slower like most movies and series! Zombies inside homes and buildings, where the loot is better, the more infected you will get. Just a suggestion.
  5. felipeskater

    Can possibility of South American server

    South American Servers, please! Lag gets in the way! Legend in Portuguese will be welcome too!
  6. felipeskater

    I can't sprint or jump help

    the stamina bar can not be below half
  7. felipeskater

    I can't sprint or jump help

    You're heavy, throw some things away.
  8. felipeskater

    Squad Up/Team Up

    You would only choose the region when you die, only the region, not the city, the bandits are not interested in players recently reappeared, because they have nothing. the regions are immense, this would only help find your friends faster. In ARK it works very well respawn by region. So there would be no need to have clans
  9. felipeskater

    Xbox Update 18/09/2018

    You would only choose the region when you die, only the region, not the city, the bandits are not interested in players recently reappeared, because they have nothing. the regions are immense, this would only help find your friends faster. In ARK it works very well respawn by region.
  10. felipeskater

    Xbox Update 18/09/2018

    please place respawn option by map region, (N, S, E, W) for example!
  11. felipeskater

    Stamina Bar

    When the stamina goes down, how can I increase it again? Feeding? drinking? taking energy?
  12. felipeskater

    Xbox Update 11/09/2018

    yesterday after the update I could not jump, I changed server and continued the bug, when I arrived in the Nizhnoye region the fps crashed drastically. The game has potential but it has to improve a lot!
  13. felipeskater

    South American servers please!

    Are Bohemia Interactive plans to add Brazilian or South American servers? The Brazilian community is quite large, I hope these servers will soon come to xbox one.
  14. felipeskater

    Controls for Xbox One

    Please improve the gameplay inventory of the game, it is very bad to manage our items with joystick, it is not intuitive, take as example the gameplay of PUBG and ARK in the management of items.