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Posts posted by felipeskater

  1. 3 hours ago, addicted2code said:

    I am not sure that's the concept.  I feel the rain/night is pretty clearly intentional.  The fact that only a few high-pop servers had day/limited night made that clear when coupled with all the winky faces Nitro mentioned above.

    I think they did this to force people to work on base building and vehicle finding in populated servers.  Too many people run off to low-pop to get gear and now base building items.  So they intentionally over-complicated it and I think that's perfect if that was the case.  It drives me nuts how many people sneak off to get stuff without risk, sort of ruins the game play.  Especially when those same people come back and just spawn hunt.

    I can't wait until disease and temp impact is back (not just effects) so peoples biggest struggle would be the elements versus other players. 

    this was easily solved if your progress was related to the server you played, if you change server, start from scratch. Ark is like that and it works cool.

  2. You would only choose the region when you die, only the region, not the city, the bandits are not interested in players recently reappeared, because they have nothing. the regions are immense, this would only help find your friends faster. In ARK it works very well respawn by region. So there would be no need to have clans

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  3. 27 minutes ago, Fangedcar2 said:

    No choice of spawn has been a key part of dayz since the beginning, if we could choose then it would be a clusterf'ck in cherno, elektro, solchiny, and balota. YEA GUYS!!!! let's create even more predictable spawns for fresh/dead players so our bandits out there can just camp those places. Honestly I'm a cannibal, but you get the idea

    You would only choose the region when you die, only the region, not the city, the bandits are not interested in players recently reappeared, because they have nothing. the regions are immense, this would only help find your friends faster. In ARK it works very well respawn by region.

  4. yesterday after the update I could not jump, I changed server and continued the bug, when I arrived in the Nizhnoye region the fps crashed drastically. The game has potential but it has to improve a lot!

  5. Please improve the gameplay inventory of the game, it is very bad to manage our items with joystick, it is not intuitive, take as example the gameplay of PUBG and ARK in the management of items.

    • Thanks 1