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About chrisl126

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. In my opinion. The new starting load out with no gun or anything of value is great, it makes it vital to not get seen by zombies in the beginning, makes your first move to have to scavenge supplies (not kill the first person you see and steal their stuff) and it makes that first trip into town to get supplies nerve wrecking, it also makes bean hungry bandits rethink killing noobs on the coast. Love it!! But the changes to the zombies LOS makes the game almost unplayable, (what is the point of stealth if you can't sneak past zombies anymore) getting into buildings and much less searching the building without alerting the zeds is damn near impossible now. As stated on the dayz website “These once human creatures will act and behave as if they have a heighten sense of hearing and smell but less sight”.... Well now they see everything!!! To everyone saying that the zombies were to easy, i guess, you have never made a mistake and alerted a horde when you were low on ammo or out of bandages (or maybe you just forgot the last time you died by a zed). Sure if you have full ammo and a gun they are easy, but isn't that the way it should be? You can play a little more lose when your stocked up but the second you fire your last shot with your sweet gun it becomes a paper weight and you have to run for your life or never get caught. Basically what im saying is the zombies shouldn't be a problem to a stocked player but you should be able to sneak past them when you have nothing (or just want to avoid them). I find it a lot of fun getting in and out of a town safely (the whole time on the edge of my seat avoiding crawling into a zombie). The way the game is now with this patch the zeds are way to threatening to starting players (making it unenjoyable to start a new game), and fully a stocked player never needed to consider them a major threat anyway. The way i see it, the beauty of zombies is they apply interesting pacing to the game, giving you a stealth sequence to have to play through and plan for. If you make a mistake or play the game badly they get alerted (not because one 20 m away looked in your direction). Remember these zombies have less sight. I like easy to fool zombies, I guess thats the way I always imagined the mindless infected to be!!! I saw some people saying they were happy zombies were the major threat again. Really, I think the game is much better when other players are the major threat. That is the most interesting dynamic about this game (kill or be killed, find friendlies and kill bandits on sight). If you want to hunt zombies and have its be the biggest part of the game, go play Left 4Dead 2 on hard, your playing the wrong game. A suggestion to make the zeds more intense, maybe make the them fallow the path you just took if they walk over it (you know they fallow your scent) but don't give them sight!!! (It kinda ruins the game) just my 2 cents...