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Johnny Banzai

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Everything posted by Johnny Banzai

  1. Johnny Banzai

    Guns, mags, bullets unusable

    I've been carrying both the M4 and the AK-M. Sometimes both work, sometimes only one works, and sometimes both are screwed... like now. I play on US servers, and leave them on the early warnings (90 minutes, 60 minutes) so my issues are not crash-related. This morning, both guns appeared to work. Switched to a different server after a reset warning, and the AK-M showed no clip in the weapon even though it was visible on my character. Zero rounds, and will not accept a new clip nor remove the apparent existing (visible, but not functional) one. M4 was still functional so I switched. After another server reset warning, I exited and later restarted on another server. Now neither gun will work. The M4 now shows zero rounds, even though loaded. And attempting to unbox some 5.56 rounds, the system just ignores the result. It shows the box of rounds in-hand and the "RT to unbox" function, then the animated circle of activity... but no opened rounds. So... time to break out the ax, I guess.
  2. Johnny Banzai

    Guns, mags, bullets unusable

    Found a "workaround"... Gun must be "equipped" first, then opened as a "container" in the inventory column. Then, and only then, was I able to remove and add magazines (clips). Even then, the AK-M showed 0 rounds chambered so... I had to remove a full clip, chamber one round, return the clip, and the weapon fired twice properly. Then the server crashed without warning. Will restart everything and retry, but I expect this to work again if necessary.
  3. Johnny Banzai

    Inventory freezes, glitches

    I realize we've reverted back to an earlier build, but here are the most prominent issues I'm having: Inventory not functioning well. Frequent freezes when I'm rapidly moving, from item to item, through my inventory screen. Screen locks and I need to reboot the game. Twice I've seen the M4 disappear completely, while navigating the inventory menu. Completely vanishes. Not in the room, not 'dropped', just "poof"... gone. Otherwise, a very impressive game. Thanks, JB
  4. Johnny Banzai

    Inventory freezes, glitches

    Inventory freeze again... Seemed to occur when I quickly tapped the D pad downward to the bottom of the inventory. Only in-game for 5 minutes before the freeze.
  5. Johnny Banzai

    rubber banding

    Are you seeing the 'server will restart in x minutes' warning? I have noticed that the warning time is far from accurate. Once it went from "90 minutes " to "60 minutes" to dropping the server in a span of about 10 actual minutes. Lately, I have been exiting as soon as I notice any glitches after the first warning. JB
  6. Johnny Banzai

    Items Disappearing from Inventory

    M4 returned !!! Crowbar disappeared... :(
  7. Johnny Banzai

    Items Disappearing from Inventory

    Rejoined the game. Still had my scoped M4 and vest, bag, etc. No water or food, and thirsty. Emptied my only clip into 4 zeds, and found shelter after picking up some 5.56 rounds... Then. "dropped" the magazine out of the M4, put it back in inventory, moved the magazine from dropped in the "vicinity" to IN HAND... ...loaded 15, or so, rounds into the magazine and POOF! the M4 disappears into thin air. Gone. Nowhere nearby, and not in inventory. Exited. We shall see what happens next...