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Everything posted by Marvel_Ham

  1. Marvel_Ham

    Locked Xbox servers?

    Nice. Yeah, who needs books anyways?
  2. Marvel_Ham

    Server Time Remaining in Server Browser

    This whole quick uptime business is just to get people acclimated. It enables constant daytime & fresh looting - features that actually make it easier so players can get the hang of it. Content release is a slow-burn.
  3. Marvel_Ham


    hohho...wait until you surprise a pack of hogs and they blow your cover!
  4. Marvel_Ham

    List of items for Xbox??

    What I've come to think is this game is more akin to Dark Souls than PUBG - community based & "do-it-yourself". It's a mod, built by modders, for modders.
  5. Marvel_Ham

    Ballistic vest pouches

    Adding the Anti-stab Vest to your list there.
  6. Marvel_Ham

    Button Configuration

    Discussing the Xbox system software with Devices & accessories here. While it allows for all buttons to be re-mapped, DayZ does not respond in the contextual menus. If it has not been considered yet, please include a way to determine what buttons are pressed or, a native customization option. Some players may require button mapping and trying to translate what is on screen can be difficult during intense encounters.
  7. Marvel_Ham

    Your Adventure Stories

    Cool story. Above, there is an entire sub-forum just for these kinds of posts, señor.
  8. Marvel_Ham

    KOS on every server

    Realize this game came out post-PUBG. This game has been available for only a week now. A fresh player has no idea what etiquette even is. Give it time.
  9. Marvel_Ham

    Button Configuration

    I'll explain my point another way before it gets buried. There's nothing wrong with button mapping on Xbox, it works perfectly. The trouble is, there is no representation in-game. One solution would be for the developers to consider a native customization option. Another would be a way to re-label the UI. It could probably be handled by interns.
  10. Marvel_Ham

    I can’t see my water icon

    Check the TV settings for overscan too.