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About CarnaeaSavage

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  1. CarnaeaSavage

    Glitched guns and inventory!!!!!!

    Yep. Also if you try to exchange clips and it doesnt work do not drop gun or same thing will happen. You have to relog and it will work until you have to reload again. Games a joke this company is a joke. Youve had like 10 years to get this game working somewhat ok and its just become worse over time im done with it.
  2. CarnaeaSavage

    I think it's really funny

    Dont hold ur breath itll drop in a week when everyone starts duping again. So many inventory bugs etc its gotten me killed my guns dnt do damage aks dissappearing from inventory etc
  3. CarnaeaSavage

    Glitched guns and inventory!!!!!!

    Yea loot 2 bodies and it wouldnt let me reload or anything so I relog go on same server my AK is gone and 2 clips as well. Inventory bugs are exactly like previous patches not sure why they cant manage to ever just do it right the first time
  4. CarnaeaSavage

    Xbox Update 24/10/2018

    These updates are kinda laughable lately. Lotta good games coming out soon. Sadly Scum is even looking more polished and it didnt take them long at all in comparison.
  5. CarnaeaSavage

    Why no love for the IZH18?

    With how pvp heavy the game is atm the gun is just a death for you waiting to happen. 30 rounds compared to one. Thats really the only thing that makes sense to me. Not a bad gun just not as useful as the mosin
  6. CarnaeaSavage

    Packing it Up

    Just take a break got alot of good games that just came out and more by the end of next month. I really only log on to snipe a few people at the moment. Theres not much to do atm but they have to fix the bugs before they release more or it could really mess up the gameplay
  7. CarnaeaSavage

    Rubberband jogging

    Running in heavy rain is laughable too I wanted to see how bad it would get if you got soaked and tried to run and wow. It freezes for several seconds if you try to sprint then it will be like 2 frames per second until you finally stop trying to sprint and it clears back up. Thought maybe it was the server so I tried again on a diff server when it was pouring and same effect. Anyone else?
  8. CarnaeaSavage

    Next Update

    Ive read them all. So far they are working on bugs etc which is understandable and the content is pushed back a bit, but that still doesnt say when or if ghillie suits aka netting will be enabled. If you dont know or cant say thats fine just thought I would ask. Ive also looked for whats being pushed til actual release as I would assume some if not alot of content would be saved until then. Just a bit confused is all because compared to the wiki theres maybe 20% of items and even less content currently available. Never played pc so Im curious. The game is great so far just want morez :p
  9. CarnaeaSavage

    Next Update

    Any ETA on that ghillie suit?
  10. CarnaeaSavage

    shot mode

    Only guns that can be switched to auto or semi. Basically anything available currently that isnt a pistol or obvious like SVD or Mosin
  11. CarnaeaSavage

    Guns don’t work

    Yea they know about it and are working on it same as the reload problem.
  12. CarnaeaSavage


    I dont think they work. Like they dont turn on. Ive seen megaphones in action never seen the PA get used yet.
  13. CarnaeaSavage


    They arent common but they do popup and they do work
  14. CarnaeaSavage

    How long till loot despawns?

    Pretty sure there was a admin or dev that posted the actual times for average items to despawn. It was something like 30 minutes for players which was the max then it went in intervals down to 5 minutes for clothing and misc items. I could be wrong though
  15. CarnaeaSavage

    Never found a crash site until...

    You use the map app? Theres like 13 crash sites in an S shape around the mountain just run back and forth on a dead server if you dont find one id be shocked