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Posts posted by CarnaeaSavage

  1. 14 minutes ago, CarlTheGooner said:

    Do not do this. I did this earlier and couldn't pick the fucker back up. 

    Yep. Also if you try to exchange clips and it doesnt work do not drop gun or same thing will happen. You have to relog and it will work until you have to reload again. Games a joke this company is a joke. Youve had like 10 years to get this game working somewhat ok and its just become worse over time im done with it. 

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  2. Yea loot 2 bodies and it wouldnt let me reload or anything so I relog go on same server my AK is gone and 2 clips as well. Inventory bugs are exactly like previous patches not sure why they cant manage to ever just do it right the first time

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  3. 22 minutes ago, john garcia said:

    Does everyone truly hate this weapon that much?  Never hear any mention of it. This is the one rifle that I have never had reloading/firing issues with.

    I know its not high speed low drag but can suit many purposes. Hunting ,dispatching zeds, I have used improvised suppressor on it. Looks like there is a slot for optics on its menu(?). PU doesn't attach but I'm looking for a PSU right now.

    For me it is a tool, takes me away from the pvp side of things. I have no issues with evading and avoiding to survive. 

    With how pvp heavy the game is atm the gun is just a death for you waiting to happen. 30 rounds compared to one. Thats really the only thing that makes sense to me. Not a bad gun just not as useful as the mosin

  4. 8 hours ago, Ryan JG said:

    I really enjoy this game but for a game that makes you invest so much with little reward I am deleting it from the xbox.

    This game has been one I've been talking about even when I was a child. An open world game with the stakes are so high. But with the ability to Ghost, not chance to build bases, low player count in my region and finally servers wipes taking away my stash... I have to pack it up. It's clear after so many years that this game has such a long way to go and I truly hope it gets there but even though it sucks to walk away, I have to do it.

    Hopefully BI really starts building this game faster.

    Just take a break got alot of good games that just came out and more by the end of next month. I really only log on to snipe a few people at the moment. Theres not much to do atm but they have to fix the bugs before they release more or it could really mess up the gameplay

  5. Running in heavy rain is laughable too I wanted to see how bad it would get if you got soaked and tried to run and wow. It freezes for several seconds if you try to sprint then it will be like 2 frames per second until you finally stop trying to sprint and it clears back up. Thought maybe it was the server so I tried again on a diff server when it was pouring and same effect. Anyone else?

  6. 2 hours ago, ☣BioHaze☣ said:

    Didja read this?


    I don't recall their mentioning ghillies in this but I'm also not going back and rereading the status report for you.....

    Status reports drop here:


    If you are viewing the forum on a computer (not phone), you can also see new threads(including status reports) in the order that they were created on the right side bar.


    Ive read them all. So far they are working on bugs etc which is understandable and the content is pushed back a bit, but that still doesnt say when or if ghillie suits aka netting will be enabled. If you dont know or cant say thats fine just thought I would ask. Ive also looked for whats being pushed til actual release as I would assume some if not alot of content would be saved until then. Just a bit confused is all because compared to the wiki theres maybe 20% of items and even less content currently available. Never played pc so Im curious. The game is great so far just want morez :p

  7. 2 hours ago, ☣BioHaze☣ said:

    Also, there's a status report today and they usually give us an idea of how they are progressing with the latest patch.

    This is the 3rd "where's the update" thread in as many days and it is not good for the forum to get so many repeat threads that bury more relevant threads.

    Had the OP looked at all (ether on the top level of the Xbox section or on the sidebar of the most recent threads) he would have seen my helpful post from yesterday and would know where he could find info on a new patch.

    Any ETA on that ghillie suit?

  8. 13 minutes ago, SirRoberts said:

    I shot someone upperbody, 11 times. They didn’t die. I died after one hit.

    I left pubg because of the lack of updates. 

    Please don’t make the same mistake or your game will never get off the ground

    Sort this out.

    Yea they know about it and are working on it same as the reload problem. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Man Parts 241 said:

    What about the PA systems? Do they work? I have a car battery plugged into one on my home server, but haven't messed with it. 

    I dont think they work. Like they dont turn on. Ive seen megaphones in action never seen the PA get used yet. 

  10. 25 minutes ago, Ryan JG said:

    Have you done it?

    Has it happened to you?

    How can we stop it?

    You cant until private servers are up and even then until they allow you to see screennames youll never know who ghosted you. Ran into plenty of people who ghost because a doors locked and they cant be bothered to pick the lock. Or if they are a squad and you have them funneled in a wayway to level the playing field theyll ghost in behind you as the others rush in the door. Just got to be careful. Only good thing atm which counters the ghosting is the lag spike you get whenit happens so its pretty much a warning someone logged in near you

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  11. 5 hours ago, BrendanCiccone said:

    If you have a gun equipped to your person (not in your hands) and you take out a magazine via micromanaging, it’s guaranteed to break it. I broke 5 in a row doing this.

    Yes same as if its on the ground. You can take the mag empty the bullets or fill the mag. It will let you put the mag on another gun but the gun you micromanaged the clip out of will never load more then a single chambered round after that

  12. 20 minutes ago, DottierMage30 said:

    Hello :) 

    If you lay down and stand up again your weapon looks down, right? Here's the solution :

    Look all the way up and try to aim again. 

    If you lay down and want to aim while laying, here's the solution :

    (Don't look all they way up!) Look up. 

    This works whenever the guns off center. Go into first person and aim up and down it will be as center as possible. A good way to stop this from happening is laying sideways. Iron sights is a bit awkward sideways but it doesnt make the gun off center

  13. 27 minutes ago, Anyeurysm said:

    Found a glitched one awhile back where it was only smoke...

    Then I found my first one by happenstance yesterday! SVD baby!

    Then today,  I found two more crash sites very close to each other! Only one of them had an SVD tho.

    But hey, I got em both, plan on giving one to my buddy.

    The SVD has a pretty high drop rate at heli crashes. Ammo boxes are the best 

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  14. On 10/2/2018 at 6:46 PM, Maytrix001 said:

    I may have had a similar situation today.  Met two guys, gave them some stuff.  One started attacking me and attacked back (with splitting axe - he had a hatchet, other had a water bottle).  I then equipped my gun and got 2 shots into one of them.  Still, I died first.  Seems a bit odd that I'd be using a splitting axe, got many hits in on a guy wearing normal clothes, and I get 2 shots and I die..  I was also wearing a knife vest or whatever it is called - youd' think I'd be better protected.

    Sad that two people I gave stuff too would attack though... but I'll do it again.  Game is getting boring and it is easy to stock up on stuff.   I'd rather have some interaction - it  is just too bad so many want to fight.. plenty of games to just aimlessly kill and really.. in this game, killing is aimless.. you don't really gain much.

    Yea happens alot. "Need food or water?" Yes. Goes into inventory starts hearing punching as the screens lags for a minute quickly try to get out of inventory and equipt gun get lucky enough to walk away with red health. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Ryan JG said:

    Can you get sick yet?

    I seem to be needing to drink a lot more than usual.

    They say you can get cholera but you cant check if you have it. Ive noticed the first day your character is alive they need way more food and water then usual though. After the first day its almost halved but maybe im imagining things

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  16. Dont c why people are getting bent out of shape. Fact still remains femalea are much louder. Going as far as saying its sexist is your wording not mine. Its just so loud if I get a female I just kill myself because with a headset its annoying

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