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Everything posted by CarnaeaSavage

  1. CarnaeaSavage

    Lack of loot after update

    It was the base east of tisy north of nwaf. He just needed a silencer and I just wantef to fill my cooking pan back up with ammo. Dont feel comfortable unless I have 200 rounds atleast.
  2. CarnaeaSavage

    Lack of loot after update

    Well i kinda know why the KOS is preferable now. Ropes dont work handcuffs arent in game you cant surrender yet and burlap sacks are bugged. So it really is hard to trust theyll just let you rob them. I held a guy up only to get an axe to the face when I went to drop some food and water so he didnt die. I go back and forth from helping to robbing people trying to get a feel but its really hard to expect someone you are robbing to not smack you when you take that 10 seconds to load the loot. My only suggestion is get them in a house drop their stuff and have them exit the room lockpick the door go through their stuff maybe drop a gift in if you wanna be a nice bandit like water or food if they have none. Only thing I hold people up for is ammo morphine and low weight shoes if they match my gear lol. Gotta get them "less than 0.5 KG" green boots. Gotta get them goodies just dont wanna let a cooperative guy die either.
  3. CarnaeaSavage

    Hardcore loading lag

    You dont get the loot lag either? The stutter and fps is rare and im on the original xbox one as well but pretty much anytime I loot a persons corpse it freezes a good 10 seconds loading the loot Id assume.
  4. CarnaeaSavage


    Yea or on your side. Had to do this 3v1 in a bunker they couldnt see me XD
  5. CarnaeaSavage

    Longest shot

    Ahaha thats the best. Crappy when it happens to you but its great watching them run around clueless. So far ive just been testing zombies in range because they stand still. Humans not so much. The sway is dumb as hell though so until I get used to that im not going to give my position away on enemies that can return fire lol
  6. CarnaeaSavage


    Yep been using this for weeks it works perfectly if u quick slot it and press b to combine the mag into the gun rather then press a like you would to select the item. After the update it broke my m4 and po7 pistol trying to test the reload fix. Quickly went back to just quick slotting the mags as theres no glitch no bug no issues if done that way. If you are in first person hold RT and legit spam the right arrow on d pad youll notice it works best when you almost press and hold it. Just spam away it gets easier. Makes the m4 the best sniper at the moment once you get it single fire and havs ACOG on it
  7. CarnaeaSavage

    Lack of loot after update

    The combat loggers are funny. Try to be friendly say hello and watch them scurry away like little rodents even if you dont have a gun. Although in past several days more people have started to talk etc. Met a guy at a military base I was for sure thinking its fight time but no we looted had a chat and went our seperate ways. Felt pretty rewarding not having to shoot your fellow survivors
  8. CarnaeaSavage

    Lack of loot after update

    If you cant beat em join em. Im not about to walk for an hour only to find a completely empty base so I swap to a low population (preferably overseas ill rob them of loot) grab what you need and go back to a high pop US server. You can hop servers like every 20 minutes but you should only need to hop it once. I dont see this as the issue though. I killed a group and their backpacks were full of enough military loot to stock the compound on 10 servers. Its a waste of time currently to make caches so they are just being jackasses and taking loot just because.
  9. CarnaeaSavage

    Lack of loot after update

  10. CarnaeaSavage

    Longest shot

    I was just testing out gun ranges ir seems the acog is only one you dont need to adjust range for which is nice but odd. Like when I used the SVD i still had to adjust height etc. Must be an unintended bug for the acog or maybe the other way around? I stopped using pso scope all together because its not even centered.
  11. CarnaeaSavage

    Longest shot

    Im willing to bet most are with the m4 since the pso scope is kinda meh when you have to dial in the distance.
  12. CarnaeaSavage


    Could also make it a point to be at the same one and bandits keep attacking would be great. We are under siege at the radio station all willing and able come to our aid(gun shots in the back). Have a huge bandit standoff would make for a fun video
  13. CarnaeaSavage


    Im sure in a time like this there are willing heros to keep guard over the only radio we'll hear
  14. CarnaeaSavage

    Trust only who you know (Story)

    Yea without a doubt these interactions will be necessary to make the game more fun. If you wanna run and gun do whatever but pubg is so much better for that COD etc. Gotta imagine yourself as the person theres no way youd survive just gunning down people. Talk get info trade figure out where enemies are etc. Once people start working together or atleast willing and able to talk the game will improve for sure.
  15. CarnaeaSavage

    Trust only who you know (Story)

    At military base there is no friendlys unless you bring them with you. Any town even electro berenzino etc you may get a response from KOSers may even have a short friendly chat but their intentions still are to kill you unless they have no gear and even then a few blows from an axe will earn them a payday. Military base ive only came across one guy that talked and it was only to stall until his 3 buddys showed up. Then it was radio silence and time to run. The starter military tents you might get lucky but even then watch and approach in a way you have the advantage. If you know they cant see you tell them to lay down and see if they are willing. Given the chance to live over catching a round to the head is preferable to anyone. Only give up the advantage if you know you are safe by tieng them up or making them drop their stuff and lock them in a room. You still kinda have to play like a bandit only cut them loose and dont take their stuff after your chat is finished if you wanna be the hero type. Even the friendly hero needs to grab a few soda cans and food from a fellow traveler sometimes.
  16. CarnaeaSavage

    Large Groups in Close Proximity

    Seems to be not enough juice on regular xbox one. Ive got the same and it happens with every game like this. Open world like pubg buildings take forever to load etc.
  17. CarnaeaSavage


    Would be nice to see diff servers for such KOS can be fun but the story of a bandit robbing you then killing you or letting you go is better
  18. CarnaeaSavage

    What new update do u want

    I cant wait for shelter to store stuff and ghillie suit kinda nothing to do but tempt death as caches are reset with every update too
  19. CarnaeaSavage

    Bullet registration

    You can also quick slot mags and just highlight the mag press b it will reload that mag just have to re slot them once you use the mag
  20. CarnaeaSavage

    Reloading weapons

    Find a new ak only fix. I had same issue with my m4 and pistol
  21. CarnaeaSavage

    Xbox Update Broke Game

    You asked where and I gave you an idea. I havent had an issue gearing up yet. Tisy military base and the western ones are barely ever searched most peoole go straight to airfield. Theres a base to the east of Tisy that ive only ran into a few players but half the loot is still always there. There was a town not far from the coast that has barracks full of military gear I never once seen looted. Not trying to sound any kind of way was just trying to clarify.
  22. CarnaeaSavage

    Xbox Update Broke Game

    Its only during the early access the game is not finished we are basically paying to play on a game being constantly tweaked and added to. This is step 1 out of 100. From what ive seen there are soo many things that need to be added and so far even the important things like guns server stability etc are an issue. I enjoy it already and losing the gear is definately unpleasant but there will probably be dozens more down the line. Ill give them props though an update every week.
  23. CarnaeaSavage

    Xbox Update Broke Game

    If im newspawn i go into mid population server. There are plenty of guns and clips you just gotta look. Almost every town has a store citys have a ton of stores with guard stations police stations and some have tents. There are bunkers in some towns just gotta travel. The first week i didnt make it too many days but i explored everywhere. Just found 3 heli drops in a row in a 1 hour time span. I highly recommend playing with a map. Download the iZurvive DayZ app on google store its great if you do group with people because you can place markers. It shows all locations and you can wiki which places give you what you want. Double stack buildings like piano buildings the red and green ones all have great loot. Dont be afraid to stalk a geared player worst case scenario you lose nothing. Anyone dies from a few well placed bullets or a headshot so take your time dont rush. Watch some youtube videos of pc streamers they are worth their fair share of info
  24. CarnaeaSavage

    Xbox Update Broke Game

    Idk ive played lone wolf since start on xbox and its pretty easy most people dont pay attention at all. Ive dropped 4 man squads without them even shooting a shot. Ive only played for a few weeks but ive watched a ton of videos looked into wiki for gear stats etc and its pretty easy to know why. If you are by yourself always have a way out or a way to defend yourself. I suggest a lockpick even if the other team has one 3rd person is easy to make the first kill or hit. People tend to want to retreat and regroup after even one or two hits so thats when you watch and recorrect. All i see is pubg type fighting groups running through fields at air base and high population areas. Not many people using cover watching over an area before looking. The KOS everywhere except rare moments should make you more aware and alert. As for people who complain about gear theres like 40 settlements and there are routes less traveled and more rewarding if you cant get an akm or m4 military outfit silencers etc in a few hours you need to go look stuff up. Thats why its funny to see all this crying it will be alot harder to even survive when the game starts actually working. Drinking pond water and chilling in the rain isnt going to cut it anymore raw meat either. Loot not respawning every 90 minutes and so many different loadouts. This is just the start. Adapt before you get more upset you spent 40 bucks only to realize the games harder then you expected.
  25. CarnaeaSavage

    Xbox Update Broke Game

    It seems i just had to replace the guns and just gonna use my method it works well enough. Y still seems to jam guns for me. I have more then enough space etc