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Everything posted by CarnaeaSavage

  1. CarnaeaSavage


    Dont c why people are getting bent out of shape. Fact still remains femalea are much louder. Going as far as saying its sexist is your wording not mine. Its just so loud if I get a female I just kill myself because with a headset its annoying
  2. CarnaeaSavage


    They dont breathe any harder or louder then a male and its like 10 times louder
  3. CarnaeaSavage

    Game was fun for a while

    Imma wait it out pretty pointless now the top 5 servers have groups just camping the beaches. Not good enough to fight people with a weapon.
  4. CarnaeaSavage

    Unplayable frame drops in bigger cities (OneX)

    Its pretty much the same for regular xbox one atleast for me but i would expect that if the better ones have the issue too. Right when you log on you cant even see the walls around you just loot in the buildings zombies and players. Zooming is only an issue after the first zoom its all blurry and then it takes a minute to render everything. Theres also the lag spike(s) when a player(s) logs in near you its never let me down. If im in a building and the fps spikes just for a second or two its almost garunteed someone trying to ghost or logged in in a nearby building. Happened easily 10 times in the past month. Its nothing drastic but its definately noticeable and the moment you get the spike you typically hear the shoes hit the ground.
  5. CarnaeaSavage

    New Content

    Imagine you are in a squad fire fight in berezino and wolves descend on the town because of the noise not only do you have zombies and the other guys to worry about now you have a pack or 2 of wolves that smell blood too. Just a thought would make the game more exciting stleast until content is added
  6. CarnaeaSavage

    New Content

    Im just confused as to why netting isnt in the game its one item that would make everyone spend a few hours atleast looking for burlap sacks to look badass. Also I had wolves attack in berezino which was so awesome. Newspawn punching and running from wolves. Made me think they could add more dangerous animals or wolves in more areas would make survival that more gut wrenching
  7. CarnaeaSavage

    Armband Colour

    You're using the first recipe yea? Only raincoats can be made into armbands and you use RT to switch from making armband to making rags.
  8. CarnaeaSavage

    Game Freezes In Inventory

    Does it seem permanent or do you actually wait a good couple minutes? Ive stood over corpses and it has taken literally 2 minutes to load thats why I ask
  9. CarnaeaSavage

    Server Stash

    No. Every update they wipe all characters and stashes so everyone starts fresh. If you die the stashes stay. Thats kind of what they are for. Quick way to gear up having stashes close to the beach but people will eventually find them
  10. CarnaeaSavage


    When you see the smoke but no heli it means you showed up too late the helis only stick around in 1 spot for a limited time but there are 4 active on each server. The smoke stays about 5 to 10 minutes after the heli despawns
  11. CarnaeaSavage

    Server Stash

    Pretty sure its unlimited but they wipe stashes when they wipe characters so its only useful for a few days. Remember stashes are server specific so remember the server and the exact location
  12. CarnaeaSavage

    guns dont work....WHY?!!!

    Had a case of bandits luck. Drop clios on the ground and press b to reload them wont have the gun jam or ghost bullets but bullets still have a problem with registering. You can also quick slot clips and press b instead of a when highlighted to reload that way. Using Y is always a last resort so put a few clips on quickslot before you press Y. I typically have 4 extra mags 3 are slotted and the last is incase of emergency. Figure if I use 150+ rounds and still die then its on me lol
  13. CarnaeaSavage

    Giving life to Teddy bears

    Thats when you take their weapon ans slice them up into filets and leave them there as a warning. Anyone who just KoS gets chopped up im not about to have them grab their crap and greif new spawns again
  14. CarnaeaSavage

    Giving life to Teddy bears

    What kind of person would take a gift that great and shoot you in the back? That person should be KOS by everyone lol
  15. CarnaeaSavage

    Giving life to Teddy bears

    The yellow box has enough space for a pistol some food and water. If you really wanna be a badass you go to heli crashes and get an ammo box that can hold any gun and then some. 36 weight can put an m4 a few clips food water and ammo. Would make a freshie happy for sure
  16. CarnaeaSavage

    Giving life to Teddy bears

    They can hold 2 stacks of rags? Pretty sure you can put 2 items in as lobg as they dont exceed 4 weight
  17. CarnaeaSavage

    Giving life to Teddy bears

    Paper is no writing tools are though. Would be cool. "This is snuggles he has made it to the end of the world treat him well and he will keep you safe at night"
  18. CarnaeaSavage


    You just enjoy being a troll dont you? Youll have something of value to add at some point. From your recruiting page to any other thread you seem very immature for someone who claims to be so mature
  19. CarnaeaSavage

    Shooting through doors

    Its the same problem as bushes deflecting bullets the dsmage isnt registering half the time. You can definately shoot through doors. Only door you cannot shoot through is airlock doors. Only works half the time and they have to be right behind the door. Ive been killed and killed people shooting through doors
  20. CarnaeaSavage

    Character locked in database

    You guys must have terrible luck or arent being 100% honest. Ive hopped servers half a dozen times before it starts the countdown and then I switch from US servers to NL servers and the countdown stops. If its true my bad but it seems very unlikely all these people getting locked out for days at a time claiming they only went to one server. Its locked me out 30 minutes tops and that was just hopping server to server to see what the fuss is about. It takes like 10 server hops to lock you out and that can be totally avoided as I mentioned above
  21. CarnaeaSavage

    People taking a lot of bullets ?

    Yes but the problem is bullets arent registering or doing no damage. If I shoot you in the head 1 time should be enough to atleast knock you out with any gun. Gun stats all show more then max damage done from a headshot. So if you headshot someone 4 times and they arent even limping theres a problem. Ive watched these videos and they dont explain the issue. 10 rounds in any body part is enough to kill so when you shoot a full clip blood spatter everywhere but they are still full health theres a problem. Its not where we are hitting or what they are wearing its like damage isnt registering half the time.
  22. CarnaeaSavage

    Bullet proof bushes

    Lonewolf consists of a much slower pace. If you have sniper overwatch and an extra gun at your side its much easier to go into town with no resistance but when you are alone it can bite you in the ass because you dont play carefully. If its a group of 3 or less if I can pick one off ill take em down if not ill throw a few shots and retreat. Bigger groups are iffy because if you see 4 or more theres likely snipers you cant see. Gets lonely so Ive been working on chatting with people finding interesting situations when im a newspawn to even it out. Would be nice to get a group to just bs with while you all are lonewolf. Group together when you get killed but otherwise do your own thing
  23. CarnaeaSavage

    Bullet proof bushes

    Only used a few rounds the last guy was limping already. Yea was interesting. Shots still make my heart race and jump from time to time so I can understand why people freak and turn on their teammates. Much easier lone wolf any shot not fired from your gun is hostile
  24. CarnaeaSavage

    people spwaning right behind you

    Just happened again. Group of 3 took out one had another limping they log off heal up and come back lol. Like dude its not enough theres 3 of you?
  25. CarnaeaSavage

    Bullet proof bushes

    I actually made a group turn on eachother by sneaking up and shooting a nearby wall lol. They must have not trusted eachother too well becauae they tore eachother up