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Everything posted by Theguywhosbeard

  1. Me and my buddies got a roleplaying server started on US4401 and we had it pretty decked out with bases and cars and whatnot and factions home bases the game crashed probably about 30 minutes before it was supposed to reset the server and now none of us can find it on the list
  2. Theguywhosbeard

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    I'm assuming this is going to be wiping at all player data and server data
  3. Theguywhosbeard

    Targetting Mismatch Bug

    I found a quick fix for this problem hold the left trigger in and aim straight up in the air and it fixes it. Just do that every time your gun and reticle don't line up
  4. Theguywhosbeard

    Been unable to play for 5 days

    I found a quick fix don't necessarily know if it works for everybody but when you're trying to load into a server just cut the whole game off like dashboard and quit out of the game and then go back into the game and it should have your player unlocked from the database
  5. Theguywhosbeard


    I found a quick fix don't necessarily know if it works for everybody but when you're trying to load into a server just cut the whole game off like dashboard and quit out of the game and then go back into the game and it should have your player unlocked from the database
  6. Theguywhosbeard

    Possible quick fix for locked players

    I found a quick fix don't necessarily know if it works for everybody but when you're trying to load into a server just cut the whole game off like dashboard and quit out of the game and then go back into the game and it should have your player unlocked from the database
  7. Theguywhosbeard

    Character locked in database

    I found a quick fix don't necessarily know if it works for everybody but when you're trying to load into a server just cut the whole game off like dashboard and quit out of the game and then go back into the game and it should have your player unlocked from the database
  8. Theguywhosbeard

    Character locked in database

    Same here this is starting to aggravate me
  9. Theguywhosbeard

    Been unable to play for 5 days

    I just got locked in database aswell