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Everything posted by Turdstick

  1. Friends and I experienced zombies walking through closed doors at the barracks, army base "6a3a" they just kept coming. I've seen prior to this arms/heads glitching through doors, which enables you to shoot them, however on his occasion they just kept walking through.
  2. Turdstick

    Where are all the zombies?

    Sitting at our Xbox's
  3. Turdstick

    Switch profile

    Ensure the game is closed on your user profile. Manage game, delete local saves. Logon to your Xbox with the second profile, ensuring Dayz not running. Open dayz, this should create a new save for the second users profile. Sometimes the game gets confused and loads the incorrect profile. Follow this method and it should sort it. If problem persists, hold the power button on your Xbox for a good few seconds, it'll power down, remove power cable leave for few mins to clear cache in memory, then try again. Hope this helps.
  4. Turdstick

    Gun Jams: How to Fix?

    Experienced this for the first time. I will detail the situation, cause and resolution below for my instance of the issue; )Action - In my inventory I took out a Mag for the equipped gun by micro managing. I reloaded the Mag and went go reload by using (b)combine from inventory, tapping (y) with gun in hand. )Result - both attempts failed. (Dropping gun, dropping Mag, stripping gun never worked) I thought what did I do different; removed Mag via micromanage. I opened inventory, with the jammed gun equipped over my shoulder as before. Tried to micro manage the Mag back into the guns slot. I couldn't see the equipped guns sub menu.. When 'rt' down got to the slot above, game crashed three times in a row.. )Resolution - logged on finally after character locked in DB, still the same reload issue, however guns menu now visible, and I successfully load Mag to svd via micromanage. (User profile, item association, database corruption issue)
  5. Turdstick

    eu servers

    Hi, I'm in the UK, my friends and I are unable to connect to any NL servers, this has been from day one. Any other UK gamers have this issue, thinks about connecting then just back to server select screen. Rgds.
  6. Turdstick

    One character per console?

    On the game icon press the menu button on your pad go to manage game, on the menu you'll see saved data, select the saves, press menu and select delete saved data from xbox.
  7. If personally not had this issue, however two friends keep getting the issue were mags are getting stuck in the guns. They drop the weapons and I can't take them out, load a new mag or fire the guns affected.. Also the two friends guns sometimes fire when inserting a Mag, any reason for this, I was thinking us it coz they have a single bullet in the chamber. I thought both of these issues were user error until I witnessed it in person on their physical Xbox.
  8. Turdstick

    One character per console?

    It sometimes loads the local save for the second profile if the game isn't closed correctly on the played profile. If you delete the local saves, then log on to a server it will sort it. Just remember to close the game on one account before opening the game on the other profile. It might be worth logging off the secondary profile prior to playing on the other.
  9. Please can we have updates staggered (push updates to one region first if possible) I'm not complaining as such as the game is in pre-release but show a little compassion to us as the end user if the updates aren't going to be tested correctly.. Cheers.
  10. Turdstick


    Role back the update, let us carrying on playing put the update through test correctly, or ring fence 25% of servers stagger the update role out next time...!