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Posts posted by ViperAK47

  1. Does an m4 knock someone unconscious with any torso shot, from my experience it pretty much is a one shot kill.

    Does anyone else have any knowledge of stopping power or a damage model for each gun, I know my mp5 took like 5 or 6 shots to the body to drop/kill someone the other day. I don't use that gun anymore.

  2. Haha the vengeance is sweet, I find plenty of tent/sea chests city's but there's never good gear in them. Only guns I've ever found are from the dudes I've killed, oh and I did find a stripped down m4 at a legit guys base at severograd quarry haha 

  3. I emptied my scorpion into some pour souls chest as he was sheltering me from the rain and showing me how to make a fire, but I had just spawned in, had places to be and really needed his mountain backpack(which I ruined) and water. 

    It wasn’t worth it and made me feel like sh*t for hours. Never going to screw over a nice guy again... save it for the duper’s, they can have it! 

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  4. Well I don’t, don’t know how, don’t care defeats the purpose of the game. Anyway all of the fully geared duper guys I run into can’t fight for sh*t. Yesterday I shot a duper in his tent base twice in the upper chest with my m4, went to inspect the body but a land mine got me, ran back to my body to find 20+ land mines surrounding the compound and 100s stashes, all I recovered was my pistol.

    Heading back to my base (where I have 4 m4s, 2 Lars, umps and much more thanks to duper’s like this)  I see a fully geared ghillie heading back in the direction I just came, I approach pistol in my pants and after he refused to talk and aiming his gun at me I decided to run away, he followed, i ran, he followed. I turned around, brandish my pistol and empty half the clip into the upper half of his body. 

    His ghillie hood was ruined but I took is lar, ghillie, plate armour and silencers. As I made it back to my base I wondered if he was the duper’s buddy, seeing as though he wasnt using ingame chat and was heading straight to his base. Who knows...

    This kind of sh*t is a lot more fun then duping to get more cool gear, stuff like this happens every time I head to the coast.

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  5. Hello survivors somewhat new player here can anyone can help me answer some questions, 

    can you disarm land mines currently if so how? 

    Mid you swim to the prison island will you survive? 

    Can you pack up a tent once set up? I’ve had trouble with this don’t know if it’s possible? 

    Also If there’s any friendlys on sg 3664527 server there’s some bandits camped out in the far north west corner I wouldn’t mind paying a visit
