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[iogc] b.a.

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Everything posted by [iogc] b.a.

  1. [iogc] b.a.

    Walkie Talkies.

    I like this idea too, I'd just like to point out that the furthest you could be from someone on the map is about 21km, so a range of 20km for civilian walkies would mean no need for military ones! ;)
  2. [iogc] b.a.

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    Again last night, worst one yet, this time it took me back about an hour to a crashed heli I had been raiding about 8km away. My debug monitor did not disappear and all my gear was as it was. I saw Ander mentioned about 'Rollbacks' in another thread being related to the server being 'bogged down'. I'm not sure if this was relating to this issue but if it was I find it hard to believe as I was playing on a server with about 16 people in total and none of the 10 other guys I was playing with in TS had the problem. I would have thought it would happen to all on the server if that was the case. EDIT: I'm still on
  3. [iogc] b.a.

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    No, it doesn't make any sense, no one ever carries a primary weapon on a toolbelt... WTF is wrong with you? WTF I was thinking was as follows: I can carry primary rifle in hand and have an AXE (yes, an axe, not a hatchet regardless of what it may be called in game) on my toolbelt (which to be fair is pretty unrealistic, but I'm not complaining because it's a mod). Also I'm guessing that the reason Rocket hasn't already implemented the ability to put your rifle on you shoulder (or strapped to you backpack for that matter) while using your axe is due to a limitation in Arma 2 (I could be wrong, I'm no modder). Now, to get a round this possible limitation, I've suggested that the rifle should move to your tool belt when you equip your axe as a primary weapon as I guess that this can be done as it's already being done like this for the axe. As I stated in the original post, my concern would be that you could add more than one primary weapon to the tool belt as that would obviously be a bad thing. Next time you post please take your head out of you arse and think a little about the post you're replying to or, better yet, don't post at all unless it's constructive.
  4. [iogc] b.a.

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I'm sure it's been said before but I ain't trawling through 320 pages so I'll say it again! Can you make it so that if you equip the hatchet as primary, your rifle moves to your tool belt? Not sure if it's possible to do and only allow one rifle in the tool belt. It makes sense as you can carry both the other way around! Also, if you drink a soda can, can it be replaced with an empty soda can in you inventory? Cheers, keep up the good work.
  5. [iogc] b.a.

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    Happened to me again last night but I don't think my debug monitor disappeared, but I wasn't really thinking about it so it might have! I just realised that this has only started happening to me since I stopped playing on NY servers and started playing on UK servers, could be coincidence or could be related to distance/latency between server and hive? Although when it's happened to me it's not happened to others I'm playing with. Would be interesting to see the time since last save on the debug monitor again to see if it's linked.
  6. [iogc] b.a.

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    I doubt it's the actual computer, it might be related to the network connection and the update that doesn't save corrupted locations. I've played quite a bit and it's only happened once.
  7. [iogc] b.a.

    Disorder's Military Guide

    Remember that grass only draws at relatively close range, you might look like your hidden to you, but the sniper a few hundred meters away can probably see you clear as day!
  8. [iogc] b.a.

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    Yeah, when this happened to me the debug monitor also dissapeared and my water icon was sometimes flashing red and sometimes solid red (it should have been flashing as I was almost parched!).
  9. [iogc] b.a.

    [Forum] Tapatalk!

    Excellent, already using it!
  10. [iogc] b.a.

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    I had this happen to me for the first time last night and I've been on since it came out. I was in a deer stand with flashing water icon and found a can. I opened my inventory and chose consume can and nothing happened. I tried this a number of times with no luck. eventually my guy started doing a crouch animation randomly and I then heard the drinking sound a few MINUTES later. I heard the drinking sound a number of times over the next few mins and the 'you have consumed a can' text came up a few different times two. Eventually my water icon also went green. About >15mins later and about 5km north all of a sudden I'm back at the deer stand! I had no other problems with lag except for the can drinking thing and my ping was around 35ms. I don't know if both are symptoms of the same problem of if one issue cause the other but it's the only time it's ever happened to me so far....
  11. [iogc] b.a.

    not fun to die to campers

    Personally, I think the game is very good and I'm not actually complaining here but my personal opinions/observations are as follows: I think there should be LESS persistence on death if anything, tents and running back to pickup your old weapons are an issue but I'm not sure how to fix. Sniper rifles do no good to the game, personally I'd remove them (actually I'd remove them from most games) but I guess that wouldn't be realistic. While on realism, it is a game (or 'anti' game, whatever, at the end of the day you don't die in real life when you die in the game) and therefor any realism arguments are weak as people do things in games that they wouldn't in real life. You cannot scout for snipers successfully at close range if the sniper is any good and wearing a ghille suit, this is due to the draw distance of the undergrowth, snipers will always have the advantage. It took 3 of us to kill a sniper the other night even though we new roughly where he was and he didn't know we were there at first, we were about 10m from him and couldn't see him, he killed two off us before I got him. At the end of the day, I don't think the game is the problem, it's the people that play it! :)
  12. [iogc] b.a.

    Using map in-game through Steam

  13. [iogc] b.a.

    Using map in-game through Steam

    Print it out, that's what I did, much easier!
  14. [iogc] b.a.

    Is anyone friendly anymore?

    I normally avoid other players, if I see someone I lie low until they are gone and it's never ended in me dying because of it. I really hope more people adopt this attitude, if you want to shoot on sight, why not play any of the generic shooters (I play COD at lunch break and enjoy it!)? I don't play this game like that 'cause it's a whole other type of game but it bugs me that so many other folk do. Last night I was trying to crawl into a barn, hadn't even seen anyone about and I came under fire from somewhere (not inside the barn). There's no logic to this, they would have been better waiting until I had come out or aggroed the zombies. Anyway, I ran into the woods and left them wondering if I was going to flank them or not! :)
  15. [iogc] b.a.

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    * [FIXED] Can dupe food during cooking if click really fast (now you cannot) That used to work with eating food/drink and gutting animals too (if two people gut an animal at the same time you get more meat), I guess the fix will probablly fix those too?
  16. [iogc] b.a.

    Hatchet can no longer be in tool slot

    Not sure if this is the case or not, but some of the houses have a chopping block outside with an axe in it, can we have axes spawning there? It would make sense!
  17. I'm definitely interested in helping out, I've been looking for a bit of a goal for a while now.
  18. [iogc] b.a.

    Missing buttons?

    See here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=12979&pid=126360#pid126360 Hope it helps.
  19. [iogc] b.a.

    Can't join game

    OK, reinstalling didn't fix but the info on the following link did: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=38340497&postcount=6612 You need to launch the game through Steam by adding this line to the launch options: -mod=expansion;expansion\beta;expansion\beta\expansion;@DayZ -skipIntro -noSplash Hope this helps.
  20. [iogc] b.a.

    Give back guns

    I think it MAY have been a bad idea to make the Zeds much more of a problem and take away the starting gun in the same update but I think both should have been done eventually. I don't really understand why people have such an issue with it though, you've just respawned, you've got nothing to lose anyway. People complain that it gets too boring because it's too easy, then complain when it gets too hard. I like the idea of a challenge at the start, it was way too easy to run away from the coast, sneak in to somewhere quiet and get most of the gear you need to survive. I've not played the update yet due to patch problems but I'm looking forward to the challenge. I can't understand how everyone is asking for it to be changed back so soon, and when there is a Zed spawn bug. You don't even know what it's going to be like once the bug is fixed yet and you can't have played it enough yet to thoroughly test it. Give it a chance, leave it for few hours or a day and think about how you can change you tactics, wait for the spawn bug to be fixed and then provide the feedback.
  21. [iogc] b.a.

    Can't join game

    I have the same issue as poted here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=10038&highlight=logo_arma2ep1_ca I'm reinstalling the whole game right now but have to wait 5hrs to download it! Sometimes I hate Steam.
  22. Quick (stupid) question, can you use smoke grenades to stop Zeds from seeing you?
  23. [iogc] b.a.

    Missing buttons?

  24. I've been thinking this for a while and recent events have made me decide to post it as a suggestion. To register on the forums and post replies/threads you must use your GUID (or whatever its called!). The forums are getting ruined by a small minority of users who, unfortunately, are often the most vocal. Some of the recent culprits for wasting Rockets valuable development time don't even own the game! This would also enable the devs to handout database bans, if only temporary (although personally I'd rather they weren't), to these few who are dragging the forums down to their level. I think this would be a much better deterrent than the current forum bans. Keep up the good work.