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About keykat

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  1. keykat

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    and probably 70% of dayz can probably read me and understand exactly what im saying... its not anyone else on the forums responding its the person with no balls that cant play for shit and calls hacks and bans when he feels necessary cause his 90 dollars a month makes him feel special soo special he feels he has MORE of a right to call someone a hacker and his accusations are more justifiable. why dont u keep insulting me but everyone knows on these fourms ur server fuckin blows cause u suck kid get good. im talking dayz im not a fag and call ppl out about fairy tale thought up REAL LIFE insults cause im not a no good for nothing wheelchair bound faggot IRL like you that has to make himself a better being online. fuck you and get good faggot.
  2. keykat

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    all you admins when u hear something AGAINST YOU its oh god SOUNDS LIKE ANOTHER HACKER LETS BAN THEM! cause u cant stand up against a better player u just call hacks and ban cause u cant get gear u lost back fuckin scrubs...
  3. keykat

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    oh shit he got me with the grammar police insult? what u run out of good insults u gotta insult me about grammar LOL why dont u tell me u fucked my mom while im at it.... get original kid u fuckin loser loool get style faggot.
  4. keykat

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    not really u just have horrible admins and they like to server restart to get their stuff back and rageban, i mean look at this whole 7 pages of TLDR about ur bullshit server, fucking dallas 22 sucks obviously an OBVIOUSLY has problems with power hungry admins... o wait ur fucking blind u didint notice that u couldint COVER UP this one... lol stfu faggot and no i didint spawn a fucking chinook heli LOL i had a UH1H u got the wrong guy... nice accusation tho. have a random ss of someone god knows who n u just use it to point the finger st some other person u find "stupid" are u 12? im sorry is it illegal to make ppl rage in this game? no it isint dallas 22 sucks and has horrible admins. get good dont get mad.
  5. keykat

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    i was banned from this server for killing ferren lmao he was admin, i kept killing him with my buddy at one time we had a chopper he kept restarting to get his truck back and his camp lmao but we kept knowing where he was after the restars with good guessing knowledge on the restarts he was SO MAD he couldint drive back to his destroyed camp n some how he had a l82 AWS in a tent or something friend wanted to show me it n BOOM restart 3rd time lmao, then we killed him again LOL and we were both banned LOL shitty admins trying to preserve their gear but they gotta BAN u cause u disrupt that haha. so sad. they dont even care if its to the point that just them are playing and make everyone else leave the server while restarting cause they did that, at one point when we started hounding ferren there were 25 players then it narrowed down to just us cause he kept restarting lmao. crappy scrubby admins.
  6. keykat


  7. keykat


    i ave had a char that was up to 260 murders n died because of an accident but now i dont care anymore cause the leaderboards have been down and its really frusturating to play for anything now cause they are down and have been for the longest time now... like whats the point of playing n what the hell is going on ? how can it be so hard to get it back up and running ? its not like its bf3 stats or anything its just simple numbers.... i mean common ...
  8. ive played against these people too and have had numerous times they have disconnected n everything, a friend of mine was called a hacker cause he found one of their camps n was starting to sabotage all of their stuff then called him a hacker LOL when they were the ones exploiting their cars to dessapear suddenly in the middle of his mission to. these ppl are just plain annoying...
  9. keykat

    Why so much rage?

    hey im a hipster and im damn proud of it so shove it up ur a*s lol
  10. thats cheap lol im not palying there
  11. is this even legal to do with dayz?
  12. i joined seattle 105 and the server has white dots ESP on all players zombies and animals and it turns green once u see them in plainsight (humans only), everyone has this as i joined with a friend. what is this? join up on it and see what im talking about its weird someone explain? is it a cheat? its so weird. serverhost installing cheats to the whole server?
  13. i do have beta patch installed, i have everything updated i just checked, still no green bard next to ammo clips in inventory.
  14. how do u get green bars on the side of ur mags i saw it on ones dayz in youtube vid do i have a patch not installed right? i torrented the latest and is the skins fixed so u dont spawn in water? just wanting to know if it was so i dont mess up my charcter. ty in advance :)
  15. keykat

    Why so much rage?

    LOL! reminds me of Face of Mankind MMO! :P